Everything felt as if it was falling apart.
"Wait w-what?" I stuttered, not fully believing I had heard Billie right.
"Ignore how fucking cliche this sounds but it's really nothing with you, its me." She confessed.
It was weird, it was like she knew she wanted to be with me but she was still rejecting me.
What kind of bullshit is this anyway?
"I don't understand." i admitted, single tear rolling down my cheek.
"No no please don't cry." She tried to comfort me. "It's because I'm going on tour baby."
Now that made more sense.
"I don't want to start something and have to end up missing you because of tour. I can't jeapordize my performance like that." She continued.
And it was if all the pieces of a puzzle came together perfectly. All I had to do was say the simple sentence that would make this whole 'problem' go away.
But this time I would do it the right way.
"I-I can ask my parents if I can go with you?" I suggested.
Her eyes seemed to light up at the idea.
"Fuck bro, yeah that would be awesome."
I smiled at her excitement.
"I will find a way to make it work." I promised.
We both made that our silent agreement. It wasn't only a promise to make it work, it was also a promise to make us work.
"Can I kiss you Avalon?" Billie requested quietly.
My teary eyes met hers in a hopeful stare.
I nodded slowly, dazed even before it happened.
My eyes fluttered closed as soon as our lips met. It was hesitant at first but we soon got comfortable.
It wasn't anything crazy, it was the perfect first kiss, sweet, passionate.
When we finally had to pull away - because if not we would probably pass out, I was stuck in a transe.
I looked at this girl before me in such a loving way.
She is perfect. Everything about her is perfect.
She bit her lip softly, smiling back at me.
"Let's get you home - babe." As soon as she said that, my heart did somersaults.
She grasped for my hand, and took it, leading me out the door.
Everything was right.
All the color from earlier drained out of my face, happiness sucked out because of one damn word.
The one damn word I didn't want.
Billie stood next to me, keeping a steady eye on the conversation.
"Wait but mom I-"
"No but's. I said no and thats final." She interrupted.
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes for the second time this day.
But I will not.
I will not show weakness like that, especially now. I had to find a way to go with Billie.
I needed to go on this trip.
"I'm sorry mom but I have to go." I apologized. "With or without your permission."
"I do not believe that is going to work young lady. You do not create the rules around here." Her voice raised an octave, her patience running thinner.
"Because as of March third, I will be a legal adult and I can do things without parental permission."
I didn't expect to have to use the I'm almost eighteen card but...
All's fair in love and war right?
"But you still live in my household." She grasped at any last hope of power.
"She can stay with me." Billie added.
No. I didn't want her to get involved and I especially didn't want them to hate her.
Which I have no doubt they already do.
I grasped for Billie's hand and squeezed it tightly within my own.
After a beat, she squeezed back in comfort.
My mom's eyes trailed from my eyes to where my hand was wrapped within Billie's.
Her palm went for her mouth instantly.
"Get. Out." She ordered.
"Mom what? I j-"
"GET OUT!" She screamed, gesturing to the door.
We were all crying now.
I looked to the bedroom door to see Melanie standing there, tears in her eyes.
I gave her one last look as a goodbye and made my way to the door, Billie in tow.
As soon as she saw this hurt flashed across her eyes. She ran up to me, blubbering like a wounded puppy.
"Don't leave me please! I'm sorry! I need you!" She practically begged.
My eyes locked with hers.
I removed my hand from Billie's, before reaching for my sister and embracing her tightly.
"Please don't go." She mumbled into my shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Was all I had said, it only coming out as a whisper.
I regained my place next to Billie, and walked straight out of the door, head held high.
It was when we had reached her car that it had all came crashing down on me.
And I broke down.
I am now at 1k reads and I'm so fucking grateful for all of you readers. The fact that you take precious time out of your day to read and comment on this is beyond me.
I want you to know that I do in fact read all of your comments and I live for them every day.
During school I am laughing during class because I can't stand to hold the laughter in.
So I hope you truly understand how much I appreciate you and how much this book means to me.
It's literally my child.
And to think this journey only started a few days ago... So Thank you.
Thank you and goodnight - or goodmorning... Whatever time it is for you <3