Finneas quickly pulled away and moved his eyes around the room, not seeming avoiding the topic of the kiss.
"Finneas what the fuck!" I screamed, causing his gaze to meet mine once more.
He just rolled his eyes, almost bored.
"Don't flatter yourself."
"Oh my God Billie is never going to talk to me again." I choked, worried about the relationship I might have ruined.
"She'll forgive you." He responded, acting as if he had to watch what he says.
As if someone was listening.
"Look- We got to go."
"Go? Go where?" I was not going anywhere with this girlfriend stealing red headed hottie.
Maybe I am straight.
Gay for Billie.
I shook my head off the thoughts, realizing I only found Finn attractive because of his close resemblance to his younger sister.
Instead of answering my question, Finneas carefully took the IV out of my arm and detatched everything from my body before picking me up.
"Hell no. Put me down." I ordered, not wanting to be treated like a damsel in distress.
Finneas sighed and placed me on the ground.
He began to mouth a countdown.
Why is he counting?
And then my knees buckled.
Before I hit the solid ground, he grabbed me and hoisted me back up into his arms.
And so our journey began.
After twenty minutes and a embarrassingly horrible imression of a drunk girl and her savior later, we sat in Finneas' car.
Who were we kidding, I was in a hospital gown.
Luckily for us, Finn was on the track team and had no problem sprinting away behind the receptionist's back.
For some reason unbeknownst to me, I was placed in the back of the car.
"What are we waiting for?" I asked impatiently, the heat of a car left in the sun too long finally getting to me.
Finneas ignored my question and turned his head to watch the approaching figure.
The door was roughly opened and the new passenger slid into the seat.
At first I was going to ask who it was until the flash of blue appeared in my vision.
"I cannot fucking believe you." Billie muttered.
"Listen up sis. I kissed her because I was told to." He informed us, watching the road carefully as he drove.
"Who told you to?" I asked this time, surprising Billie who hadn't the slightest idea I was in the car.
Finneas opened his mouth to answer before Billie's voice interrupted him loud and clear.
"AVALON WHAT THE FUCK!?" She screeched.
I jumped in my seat, scared.
"YOU ARE INJURED!" She continued." Oh my God he took you from the hosp- GO BACK WE NEED TO BRING HER BACK!"
"Chill." Finn said calmly, making no move whatsoever to turn around in the direction of the hospital. "And to answer your question...
I was handed the red heads phone and as I glanced at the screen, I noticed a familiar contact.
she wants you to kiss avalon finnAutumn
pucker up 💋My jaw practically unhinged.
"This is fake there is n- no way... this isn't possible."
"It is. Autumn isn't very sane... From what I gather she had tied herself up that night - even burned her own car."
Billie looked in the rearview mirror at me, sadness evident on her face. She seemed sorry for me.
"B-but why?" I tried not to cry, wanting nothing more than to be strong.
"There's more Avalon." He said, voice gruff.
"I think thats enough for today." Billie dismissed.
Finneas just sighed, taking one last turn before parking in front of a house.
My house.
"You wanna know what the rest is? Ask her.
At his statement I was puzzled before I turned my head in the direction of his pointer finger.
There standing tall and proud, was Jessica Hayes.
Her focus wasn't on us however. It was on another person whose back was faced towards us.
The strangers hair was flowy and black and it cascaded down her back.
The familiar hair.
The two seemed to be in a very heated conversation, yelling.
Eventually, Jessica had said something that made the stranger turn to walk off.
And as they turned around, I got a clear glimpse of their face.
Fucking cockroach.
I -