I was released from the police station mere hours later, having provided the required information.
At first, I was a little appalled that they thought I was capable of taking someone's life, but soon understood.
I had a good motive.
The bitch did steal my girlfriend while I was in a coma.
But that doesn't mean I would ever wish death upon her, let alone act on that wish.
I could only imagine how Billie may be feeling. Losing someone that meant so much to you.
I was tempted to fly down to her just to see if she was okay.
But I didn't want to make anything worse.
So I did the next best thing.
I texted her.
i am sorry for your loss...I sighed deeply, feeling like that was generic. Deciding that it was, I deleted the text, writing something new.
I'm here if you need to talkI felt somewhat content with that, pressing send and awaiting a response.
i need to see youI sucked in a large breath at her text. I hadn't seen her in months and now she is trying to get me back?
I shook my head, shutting off my phone and tossing it aside.
Billie's P.O.V.
When I had recieved the text from her I couldn't help but miss her.
I'm here if you need to talkI stared at it. My eyebrows pulled together. About us or Gigi?
I frowned at the contact name I had for Ava, before I changed it back to her name.
I can't think about that.
We're over and I am still heartbroken over Gigi.
I sat on the bed waiting eagerly.
My stunning girlfriend had said she needed to show me something before giggling and running into the bathroom.
It worried me how much I trusted the goof.
"Ready?" Avalon laughed out.
"Always, princess." I encouraged.
The door opened and music started playing.
My jaw dropped.
Not just any music, but my own music.
You Should See Me In A Crown to be exact.
Avalon was dressed head to toe in one of my outfits, a blue wig atop her head. She tried to mimick my facial expressions and started belting out the lyrics to my song.
"You should see me in a crown!" She yelled, bouncing up and down as if she was performing at a concert.
She held her hairbrush in her hand as the microphone as she sang.
I just stood there, mesmorized.
This girl. This girl right fucking here.
I am going to marry her one day.
End of Flashback
I sighed.
i need to see youMy eyes bored into the phone screen, awaiting a response. And then I saw it.
Read at 4:03 pm
I rolled my eyes.
I groaned loudly before slamming my head into my comforter.
And the tears came.
I cried for Gigi I cried for my darned lonliness, and I cried for Avalon.
I was just so unbelievably confused and lost.
So I did the one thing I knew to do in a situation like this.
I wrote a song.