Avalon's P.O.V.
"It was wreckless and stupid." Josie lectured, pacing back and forth.
Billie and I looked up at her, filled with guilt - at least I was guilty.
We were now back home after getting caught by Cierra and Autumn. They were pissed but their anger quickly simmered down after seeing Evie.
Over the time spent in Texas, I grew close to Eve and could hardly let my little baby go. So it was only fitting that we took her home, right?
She sat at my feet, head across my legs as she slept through all the yelling. She reminded me of a cute baby.
Except not as annoying.
"I agree." Holly stood her ground as well, looking down at us with a disappointed look.
Josie froze and looked at Holly quizzically.
"Who are you?"
"Absolutely nobody. . . Just nobody." Holly replied, sitting down.
Josie shook off the weird encounter, turning her attention back to us.
"You literally had the entirety of the worldwide web looking for you. They even planned to meet and start a search party!" She exclaimed.
I didn't believe her at first before she shoved the camera into our faces.
come home soon little avocado109,2039 Replies
literally crying in the cafe (not the club because I'm underage)@nobillieily
we have a search party meeting in downtown LA tomorrow night if you're interested?View 55,204 Replies
@nobillieily i'm interesed! send details@justinbieber
@nobillieily send it to me too!@billiexavacado
@justin yes justin. save your gurl@justinbieber
@billiexavacado ;)Billie's jaw practically unhinged and dropped to the floor. Her eyes were wide and she almost drooled but I shut her mouth before she could embarrass herself.
I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.
I know what you're thinking.
'Billie loves you!'
Fuck that shit. I mean Justin!
I crave his love.
When his hit single 'Baby' came out, I was CONVINCED it was about me. I danced around and even wrote letters to Justin, thanking him for writing me a song - to which he never replied.
He was my first love.
"Yo what the fuck!?" Billie yelled, freaking out.
She scrambled for her phone and once she had it she opened Instagram. Before I could notice and stop her, a sloppy picture was taken of me.
My jaw was still on the floor and my eyes held small stars within them. The focus on the picture sucked ass and I looked like a dead frog.
Unfortunately, before I could delete the picture, Billie had typed something up faster than The Flash and posted it to her story.
Picking out my phone I quickly went to see what she wrote. . .
My phone fell to the floor and I looked up in shock.
It was as if I was back in my room again, almost a year prior.
Autumn stood before me, hands on her hips, along with a salty expression.
"Stop sexting!"
That surprised me.
My face turned red while Billie snickered next to me, furthering my discomfort.
"We aren't done yelling ar you yet." She stated firmly, pouting at me.
Billie leaned in and whispered in my ear, sending chills down my back.
"You know, that might not be a bad idea."
I coughed it off, no longer wanting to be apart of this exchange. My face was now so hot you could cook a pancake on it.
"You forgot the part where you were also in the wrong." Gigi muttered angrily from the corner. She sat on Josie's chair before her desk, her legs splayed across the top of it.
She looked quite comfortable.
"You literally drove a fucking metal toaster, it was gonna die sooner or later." Autumn sighed.
She regained her composure, pretending she wasn't bothered.
"I'm confused. What the fuck is going on here." Billie asked, eyes narrowed.
She didn't get an answer however due to the heated staring contest between the ones who were arguing. It looked as if Gigi was going to win before a strange sounding sneeze tore through her body, startling not only herself, but Autumn.
They both blinked.
At the same time.
"Guess we can't all be winners." Josie laughed out.
I just rolled my eyes at them.
"Whatever. Are we free to go? I promised to take Mel out for frozen yogurt." I informed them" already packing my bag up and preparing to head out, causing Evie to stir.
"One more thing." Josie said.
I turned to her curiously. I was almost one-hundred percent sure she ran out of things to yell at us about but I guess that's what managers are supposed to do.
"We have a lead on-"
"Okay!" Billie exclaimed, cutting Josie off and shoving me towards the door.
"Wait - what?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Nothing she's being foolish. Take the mu- Evie with you though please." Billie stuck her foot under Eve's rear end and pushed, waking the poor dog up completely. She growled, annoyed but happily followed me.
"Y'sure everything is alright?" I asked, standing in the doorway.
"Peachy. Love you babe." Billie kissed me quickly before shutting the door on me, locking me away from their conversation.
I just sighed, petting my furry companion and starting on my merry way.
My phone dinged.
so about what autumn said 👅💦Me
bil stop. we are not doing thisWilliamWonky💕
Super happy because we just hit 200k! WHAT!?
Honestly thank you loves so much. I appreciate all the love and support you have provided and I love all your comments and personalities. I feel like you guys are my family and it makes me feel super special.
We have come so far what the heck!?
I hope you enjoy this sloppy chapter :)
- g i g i ⭐