Chapter 27

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I sat on the queen bed in the hotel, waiting for Billie to return.

She had gotten a phone call from her manager Danny. Her face instantly hardened and she excused herself right away.

I wonder what that was about...

Choosing not to dwell on it, I thought back to a few hours ago, during the aftershow meet and greet.

Every single person was so fucking sweet.

They all were super supportive of me and Billie and some even had crazy conspiracy theories that weren't far off from the truth.

These people are fucking intelligent.

Just watching Billie with her fans was extremely life changing for me.

She was so fucking sweet and treated them like an old friend.

She even saw one of her old friends.

Her name was something stupid like Giggle or some type shit like that.

I didn't trust her for some reason. It was probably because she had been so close to Bil as kids, according to her.

Whenever they hugged each other triggered me even more, although it shouldn't have.

It was sort of like Giggle was watching me, for a reaction.

I just folded my arms.

I'm telling you there is something fucking whack about that bitch. I just hope she doesn't try to pull anything, or lay her hands on my girl.

I don't know why I was so worried, Billie obviously chose me.

The hotel room door opened again, Billie standing in the doorway looking. crushed.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.

She flopped on the bed.

Her face quickly morphed into a teasing smile.

"Gotcha. Anyway, he said he is fine with the relationship as long as the PDA stays on the down low." She informed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Baby that's fantastic." I exclaimed, reaching in for a kiss.

She interrupted me with her finger.

"Avalon - uh... whatever your middle name is Hayes. Will you do me the favor of being my girlfriend?" She asked sweetly.

I smiled at her before nodding and planting my lips on hers.

It was sweet and reassuring, sealing our relationship.

"It's Dove." I mentioned quietly, lips barely touching hers.


"My middle name." I replied.

Her eyes instantly opened, mouth agape.

"That is the most beautiful fucking - cmere." She murmered, grabbing me and kissing all over my face.

"I love your eyes." She kissed my eyelids.

"Your beautiful nose." One on the nose.



"Annnnddd.... Lips."

Her lips met mine in a gentle peck.

"My little dove." She stated, earning a smile from me.

Beep Beep.

I reached for my phone.

Mrs. Lee
happy birthday baby.

My eyebrows scrunched.


The text had closed out and when I opened the thread again, it just said a plain old 'happy birthday.'

How does she even have my fucking number?

My initial thought was to correct her and tell her my birthday wasn't until tomorrow until I noticed the clock read :


I smiled to myself before laying in the bed and getting comfortable within Billie's arms.

My girlfriend's arms.


Autumn's P.O.V

I woke up in an uncomfortable position.

Oh shit. I forgot I slept on the bus...

I tried to uncurl myself out of the cramped space where the luggage formerly resided.

I stretched and checked the time.


Holy shit. I was asleep for two fucking days...

I sent Avalon a quick happy birthday text before getting off the bus.

Proper air flow!

I looked up and noticed the bus was parked in front of a hotel.

Ava was probably in there somewhere.


Cierra's P.O.V

I woke up to the gloriously annoying sound of my notification bell.

I had a really good feeling of who was texting me but I had no desire to reply.

I was so over this agreement.

I groggily fought my way out of a snoring Finneas' arms, wiped the sleep off my eyes, and viewed my text.

when can i see her?

I rolled my eyes.

Did I mention how much I fucking hate social interaction?


you need to bring her to me

get the blue haired one out of the picture though. we don't need distractions

consider it done

i always liked you

doesn't everyone?

i would like her brought in one piece...

no promises ;)

"Who are you talking to?" Whispered Finneas.

His heavy eyelids signalled him being out of it within seconds.

"Nobody. Sleep baby." I cooed.

His snoring soon returned, leaving me to my thoughts.


Bury a Friend is fire 🔥

I Wish You Were Gay {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now