Chapter 18

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I walked up to the five star hotel, shaking with nerves.

I was going to confess my feelings to Billie.

As I entered, I noticed the receptionist eyeing me warily.

I probably look like a hobo.

"Hi I am here to visit a friend." I informed.

"Last name?" She asked, pursing her red lips.

"Eilish." As the name exited my mouth, her eyes widened but she quickly composed herself.

She gave me another skeptical look before reaching for the land phone beside her.

Whoever she called, answered on the second ring.

"Yes Ms. you have a visitor." She informed. "What's your name sweetie?"


She nodded before talking into the phone once more.

After a brief minute, she returned the phone to its place, gesturing for me to head upstairs.

"Room 231." She said.

I nodded gratefully, beginning my short journey.

It gave me a lot of time to think.

Maybe I shouldn't tell her? She might think I'm weird and reject me. I don't think I can handle more rejection in my life.


"I like you" Tiny Avalon confessed, sounding excited.

"Okay." Her crush said, before walking away from her.

End of Flashback

Thinking about it not, he wasn't even that cute..

Who am I kidding he was fucking hot.

For a fourth grader ofcourse.

I approached the door suddenly reaching it sooner than I had hoped.

I was ready.

I was ready to confess my feelings to Billie only to get rejected. I'm ready to grow up with fifty cats, single, with a protruding muffin top, people will often mistake for a pregnancy. I am ready to be crying over my lack of success in life.

So I did it. I knocked.

Seconds later, the door opened to reveal Billie, in all her glory.

I stared into her eyes before plastering on a friendly smile and waving.

"Holy fuck hey!" Billie greeted, allowing me to enter.

I took on the state of the room. Clothes were splayed on the ground and empty taki bags filled the trashcan.

"Gonna do any cleaning up anytime soon?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes.

"It's a lifestyle." She replied nonchalantly.

"Why are you here? - I mean I'm glad to see you but there must be a reason."

"Can't I come visit a friend?" I pouted.

Her face changed, believing I was actually sad about it and she moved to comfort me but I cut her off by laughing.

"Hah gotcha." I struggled to breathe.

She stood there, staring at me blankly. I'm sure so many things were running through her mind in this very moment.

I cleared my throat, ready to get serious.

"So Bil... I wanted to confess something."

She gestured for me to go on.

"IreallyfuckinglikeyouandIthinkI'mgayandI'msofuckingconfusedshit." I rambled.

The look on Billie's face was priceless.

Her jaw was practially on the ground.

"The fuck you say?" She requested of me to repeat.

"Long story short, I'm gay. I'm gay and I think I like you." I breathed out, avoiding eye contact.

Years of silence seemed to come among us, both of us too afraid to speak.

I then felt warm fingers under my chin, lifting my head up.

I met Billie's warm face.

She smiled down at me.

"I really fucking like you too." She admitted. "Bitch ever since I met you, I was as straight as a circle."

I laughed through my happy tears.

"So what does this mean?" I asked hopefully.

Billie's face changed as fast as the drop of a hat.

Her eyes seemingly darkened as she remembered something.

"It means - we can't be together."

I Wish You Were Gay {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now