Chapter 62

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"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, tossing anything I could grab at him.

"PLEASE STOP! NO!" Trying to break out of his grasp, I punched and kicked.

His hands connected with my sides, sending fear straight through me.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" I called out again, praying for someone to save me.

And then I laughed.

Sam kept tickling me, both of us unable to hold in our laughter any longer.

"Stop I- I - Fuck I'm gonna pee!" I squealed as he continued his assault.

His face contorted into one of disgust and he backed away instantly.

"I love you and all but if you piss on me, its over." He stated, looking down at me amusedly.

A throat cleared in the distance, causing Sam and I to freeze in embarrassment.

I looked over to see Kylie in the doorway, watching us with a smug smile on her face. Beside her was a girl, unrecognizable to me but by first glance - I didn't like her.

What can I say? I'm very opinionated.

For some reason unbeknownst to me, the girl seemed to have a second of recognition as she stared at me. Her eyes widened and her lips parted.

"Holy crap. You're Billie's girlfriend!" She yelled.

And there it is.

Sam shifted awkwardly beside me, not wanting to discuss my ex.

"I- Uh." I stumbled over my words.

"Sarah they aren't together anymore." Sam told her, jaw clenched.

So her name is Sarah?

Her face clouded with regret in an instant.

"Oh my God I am so sorry! You just looked familiar and I couldn't pinpoint where I had seen you burlt then-"

Wow. She talks a lot.

"Okaaayyy! So we're gonna go!" Kylie interrupted, grabbing Sarah's wrist and yanking her upstairs.

As soon as the two left, I noticed that the mood that Sam and I set was long gone. It was also pretty late and I should head home.

"I think I should get back to my place." I said.

He looked at me like a wounded puppy and jutted his bottom lip out.

"Stay the night?" He requested.

Looking at his face, I could hardly resist. It was almost enough to cause me to forget about the dinner I had scheduled back home.

The home I was raised in - the home I was kicked out of.

"Jessica would freak if I canceled on her again."

He smiled understandingly at me and leaned in for a kiss.

What I didn't tell him was that I was terrified. I hadn't seen nor talked to Jessica since she told me to leave. I can still remember the physical pain I felt, being thrown out of the one place I knew, the only place I had felt safe.

Lets do this.


The awkward sound of the silverware hitting the plate as we ate, made me cringe.

Jessica sat there, watching me intently as I ate. I could tell she had questions but was refraining from asking them. She probably wanted to see whether I failed.

I Wish You Were Gay {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now