She was simply perfect.
I held her tightly, promising to never let her go as I peppered kisses all over her.
"I love you sooooo much!" I gushed.
I missed this..."Ava." A deep voice interrupted.
I turned to see my older brother, outstretched arms reaching for the bundle in my arms.
"I'm good, thank you though." I dismissed, continuing to hug the life out of my niece.
"Can I have my daughter back?" He asked, clearly annoyed with me.
I groaned and returned the baby to her father.
"Aunty Ava is going to spoil you rotten." I smiled demonically to which. my brother scurried away, clearly concerned.
He approached his wife Bianca and placed their daughter in her arms.
He kissed the baby's forehead, and the baby mommas forehead before coming to sit by me on the couch.
"How you holding up?" He asked sympathetically.
The smile faded from my face quickly.
"I'm fine." I replied curtly, attempting to steer clear of the I'm here for you' pep talk.
He glared at me, most definitely not believing my obvious lie before shaking his head. He found it a better idea to bring it up later.
"I should get going..." I muttered.
As I headed for the door I turned back to the small family behind me.
"Bye Bianca, bye Aiden, bye Talia Amor Lee." I giggled at the last name, puffing my cheeks at the baby in a parting manner.
That baby was the cutest.
Later that day, I found myself browsing the grocery store for food because I hadn't had some for a good amount of time.
I was walking down the refrigerated section when I heard someone squeal.
"Avalon!?" It was a young girl, mouth agape and eyes wide.
She ran up to me.
"Oh my God! You're Billie's girlfriend!"
There it is.
It was as if everyone in the shop stopped what they were doing.
Which they did.
Conversation started up again quickly, unfortunately I was the topic.
People began to form a crowd around me, bombarding me with questions on my relationship.
They all asked how she was, where she was, why she wasn't with me.
It was really scary.
I should have mentioned that I have really bad anxiety. Large crowds scare the hell out of me and I begin to hyperventilate.
Obviously this didn't happen at the concerts I went to with Billie because it was Billie. She was there to hold my hand. It overwhelmed me that I didn't have her and that's what triggered it.
I winced as all the words of the people mushed together in my brain, humbling everything up.
I clutched my head, and tried to regain my breath, all while trying not to fall.
"Hey! HEY! STOP!" Someone yelled, pushing through the crowds.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and rip me from the circle.
I was still trying to focus.
Until I did.
And damn.
It was a guy around the same age as me, with gray eyes that pierced through me, and golden hair that was perfectly combed.
If I wasn't taken, I would be all over him.
But I'm not.
He smiled his perfectly straight and white teeth at me, causing the blood to run to my cheeks.
"You good?" He asked, genuinely concerned for me.
If he didn't know who I was before this encounter, he definitely knew now. Everyone within the vicinity would have known by now.
I tried to regain my ability to speak, mismatched gibberish rushing out instead.
I sighed to myself.
When I had calmed down enough to the boys' satisfaction, he extended his hand for me.
"My name is Josh. Josh Kratcher."
Did you guys get the reference I made with Aiden's daughter's name?
Talia Amor Lee?
Talia - Love - Lee?
Isn't it lovely all alone?
Okay I'm done.
Thanks for reading my lovelies! <3