Chapter 1

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Sitting on the bench, alongside his younger brother, Elijah had decided to sacrifice himself along with his brother, Klaus, believing that his brother had finally found his redemption.

“Why are you doing this brother? You are free to do anything you desire .”

“My entire life, I’ve had just one purpose Niklaus and that was to save you from yourself. Now that you have finally found redemption and understand the importance of life and family, I have no reason to live anymore.” Elijah said with a sad smile.

“Please brother, you don’t have to do this.”
Klaus was getting angrier by the second due to Elijah’s stubbornness.

“It is not up for discussion brother, I have made a decision and nothing is going to change that, nothing at all.”

“I want you to live Elijah, I want you live without taking care of your siblings all the time. All this time you’ve sacrificed your own happiness for us. When will you do something for yourself? When ?”, Klaus yelled angrily.

“You all are my family, Niklaus, you all make me happy. You, Rebekah, Kol, Freya and Hope are my happiness. I have lived for thousands of years, seen infinite sufferings and experienced immense joy and love. I am ready to let go, I don’t have to live anymore. I don’t have any reason to”, Elijah sighed with his head in his hands.

“You can stay for your niece, you can live for Hope and take care of her. She is going to lose both her parents now, you can stay and look after her, Elijah”, Klaus tried to make Elijah reconsider his decision.

“I love Hope, Niklaus, I do. But I have fulfilled my destiny here and now it’s time for me to depart. Hope is a strong girl, she is fierce, determined and stubborn just like her mother. I know she’ll do just fine without her Uncle Elijah. Besides Kol, Freya and Rebekah will always keep her protected.”, Elijah smiled sadly.

Just as he said that, Elijah’s phone started ringing and he sighed, reluctantly taking it out and looking at the unknown caller id on his phone.

“Aren’t you going to pick that up?”

“I usually don’t get any unknown calls, must be a wrong number.”

“At least pick up your last call brother. Maybe it is something important.”

Elijah hesitantly picked up the call and put the phone to his ear, “Elijah Mikaelson speaking.”

After a pause, he heard some shuffling and a whimper.


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