Chapter 21

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“Care! Can we please go home now, I am really tired and sore. My ankles are swollen and my back hurts. Can we please go home?” , Elena begged her best friend who was looking through the aisle of baby products.

Caroline just gave her a glare and turned right back to her awing and cooing at the little baby things in the store.

“You know very well, Elena, that we cannot leave until Elijah and Klaus get back from their important work, to pick us up”, Caroline huffed and grabbed a small grey wolf toy and put it in their cart which was so full that things were starting to fall off on the floor.

“Can we go and get something to eat at least? Please, Care, I am very hungry and I would really like to have some tacos right now”, Elena’s mouth started to water thinking about the tasty, delicious, wonderful...well the list could go on.

“Okay fine! But then, we come back for more shopping after eating, deal?“, Caroline negotiated with a slightly dazed Elena.

“Okay deal!“, Elena squealed dragging her friend to the food court.


Klaus was ready to murder someone and Elijah was trying to think a way of getting rid of their latest threat or rather an old enemy they knew nothing about.

It was early in the morning when they had received a white oak stake wrapped up in a golden gift wrapper. Along with the stake, they received a letter which read as:





Klaus and Elijah had left right away to find this ′old friend’ of theirs, who had threatened their family.

They were finally trying to live in peace and then someone just had to come to disrupt their peaceful life again. They just didn’t seem to catch a break.

“I thought it was finally over, I thought we can now live in peace, why does this always keep on happening ’Lijah. Why do we always have to fight? I am tired Elijah, tired of fighting, tired of losing people that we love. Haven’t we had enough?“, Klaus growled in anger and frustration.

“That is what we get brother. This is what we deserve after years of hurting, killing, and manipulating innocents. Everyone is out for revenge. Even if we have found our redemption, they still don’t think they have received their justice. They all seek vengeance, Klaus, they all want us dead.

But I promise you brother, no one and I mean no one will destroy the Mikalesons, we are a family, we will always be a family and protect each other. Always and Forever.”

“Always and Forever, brother”, Klaus said determined.

“This time its not just us, Klaus, this time we have three new family members to protect, three new people depending on us”, Elijah said calmly, but inside he was scared for his new family.

“I know brother, don’t worry Elijah, we will prevail and fight this danger, just like we always do.”

Klaus smiled lightly thinking about the three new members, his Caroline, Elena and his unborn niece or nephew.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind.

"Elijah, what if its Esther? I mean, she is old, not a friend, but ...", Klaus paused thinking about the possibility.

“No, no brother, I don’t think its her this time, Kol can sense her magic dwindling, she is not powerful enough to do this. Besides, she spends her day with Elena and Hope. Kol has been keeping a watch on her.”

"But we cannot eliminate the possibility, Elijah, what if she is trying to extract magic from my daughter and your baby?", Klaus asked angrily.

“I will ask Kol to dig deeper in Esther’s case. But we have to find out the other possibilities.We cannot trust anyone. Ask Marcel to send his goons. I want this old friend gone before my child is born”, Elijah said darkly.

“Don’t worry brother, we will take care of it. No harm will come to our children”, Klaus said patting Elijah’s shoulder.

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