Chapter 4

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Elijah sat there stunned by the news he had just heard

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Elijah sat there stunned by the news he had just heard.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again since he was too shocked to talk.

Hope couldn’t believe what she had just heard. This was impossible.

Klaus stared at his elder brother with amusement and sympathy both because he knew his brother still harboured deep feelings for the brunette sitting in front of them. Maybe she could convince him to live.

“You’re pregnant?“, Klaus asked suspiciously.

“For the hundredth time yes! Yes Klaus, I.AM.PREGNANT” , Elena snapped at him.

“Who?“, Elijah finally asked staring at her with anger and hurt.

“Why does it matter brother? She clearly got knocked up by some human lad. Isn’t this what you always wanted? For her to have a long happy human life, brother?”

Hope just watched silently. She didn’t know why her uncle kept staring at the brunette like she kicked his puppy.

“No”, Elena said quietly.


“No, Klaus, I didn’t get ′knocked up’ by some human lad. That is the reason why I called you here.”

“Okay, I got it. You want to make a deal with us to make sure we leave you and your kid alone, isn’t that right, doppelganger?“, Klaus paused for a second before continuing with a smirk , “So what are you negotiating this time? And do we have to consider leaving your Mystic Falls gang alone too?”

Elena had enough of Klaus’ unwanted commentary and she now stood up and glared at him.

"No, Klaus, I haven’t called you for making any ′deals’. I have called you here to tell you that I am pregnant and the child is Elijah’s! ", she stated angrily.

Klaus and Elijah were both stunned and were looking at her in disbelief.

Shortly, Klaus started laughing hysterically and sarcastically said, “Haha, good one doppelganger, good one. I almost believed you, keyword ‘almost’ because we all know this is impossible. My brother is a vampire and you two were involved eighteen years ago.”

“Dad…”, Hope warned her father to stop laughing like a maniac.

Elijah could once again hear her steady heartbeat and also a soft fluttering of the baby’s heartbeat. He knew she wasn’t lying but he still couldn’t believe the impossible news.

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