Chapter 17

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Kol watched as his brothers fussed over their partners and followed them around like a lost puppy.

“What are you staring at?“, Davina asked looking at her husband.

“I am not staring, darling, just observing my whipped brothers behave like love sick fools”, he chuckled.

“I don’t think you’ve the right to tease them, brother, when you yourself behave like them while you’re with Davina”, Rebekah joined them on the balcony.

Davina blushed while Kol glared at his youngest sister.
He was about to retort a sarcastic comment when Rebekah cut him off, “What are you doing Kol?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean brother. You are avoiding Elena whenever she tries to talk to you. This is affecting the both of you. Why don’t you go talk to her? You very well know that your death wasn’t her fault”, Rebekah said looking at her brother.

“So, you have already starting defending your new best friend, huh sister? Good to know that. And I don’t want to talk to her because I don’t want to be fed with more lies”, Kol said huffing a little thinking about how Rebekah forgave the backstabbing bitch so soon.

Truth to be told, he was waiting for some drama and action but that didn’t happen at all.

“You have to do this Kol. You have to talk to her. She is going to be a part of our family after all. You are going to be an uncle once again, this animosity between you and Elena will not help anyone, Kol”, Davina tried to reason with him.

Kol thought about it for a moment and he realized that they were right and he had to talk to Elena at least for the sake of his niece or nephew.

Caroline stared at the girl, sleeping peacefully after so many weeks of sleepless nights filled with the nightmares of losing her mother and father.

“What are you doing here, love?”

“Klaus! You scared me!“, Caroline said holding her hand to her chest, “I was just checking up on her.”

Caroline ran her fingers through Hope’s hair and sighed, “She is so young yet so strong. She has been through so much already. I know losing her mother is affecting her the most but she never talks about it. She is always pretending to be happy.”

“How do you know that? Did she tell you something?“, Klaus asked curiously.

“I know that feeling Klaus, the feeling when you have lost so much but you have to fake a smile and say everything is fine just to keep others happy, so that you can avoid their pitiful glances and sympathetic smiles.

I have been there, done that, Klaus, but she needs to realize that we will never pity her, we will never judge her or treat her like a fragile doll. She needs to open up to us, to her family”, Caroline said tearfully.

She felt like she was looking at her younger self when she first met Hope. She could easily see the sorrows through her happy facade.

“Give her some time, love, I’m sure she will come to you when she is ready to talk. She still hasn’t finished grieving her mother and these terrible nightmares and visions are always occupying her mind”, Klaus said reassuring her,
“She already considers you as the part of her family, Caroline, she has always admired your strength and humanity, she will come to you, love, just give her some time.”

“You are right, Klaus, she will come and talk when she is ready. I love her just like my own daughters, Klaus, and seeing her in such state worries me to no extent. I want her to be happy and experience the teenage life.

I want her to worry about normal problems like homework, semesters, prom dress, hell even a boyfriend but all she is worried about is saving her loved ones. When will she get to live like a normal girl, Klaus?“, Caroline said sobbing quietly.

“ I don’t like seeing her in such state either. I promise you, sweetheart, I will do everything in my power to make her happy but I cannot do it without help. So, tell me, Caroline, will you help me in making our daughter happy again?“, Klaus asked holding her in his arms.

Caroline just grinned and nodded. She couldn’t believe that the big bad hybrid was such a big softy.

“I love you, Klaus”, Caroline said shyly looking at him.
Klaus looked shocked and surprised for a moment.

He couldn’t believe she finally said it, after all these years.

“I love you too, Caroline, I love you too”, Klaus said lifting her chin and kissing her softly.

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