Chapter 23

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“Hope! Thank God you’re safe”, Caroline hugged her adopted daughter tightly.

“What’s wrong, Mom? What’s going on?”

“Elena and Esther have been taken and we don’t know who has them”, Kol explained his niece.

“Oh no, not Aunt ’Lena”, Hope quickly grabbed a map and asked Elijah for few drops of blood.

“This blood will help us locate the baby and Aunt ’Lena”, Hope started chanting but someone else’s magic was blocking her. She asked Davina for her help.

Davina held Hope’s hands in hers and they chanted the locator spell together. Hope started to bleed through her nose but suddenly she stilled and started receiving visions of Elena and Esther in a dark apartment with their hands tied to chains and Ester screaming out in pain.

She finally opened her eyes and looked at her Uncle Elijah, “I know where they are but we need to get there quick.”

Caroline, Klaus and Hope took one car and Elijah, Davina, Kol and Rebekah took another one.

Hope lead them to the quiet part of the city and a chill ran down their spines.

Something very bad was happening or about to happen.


Elena couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing in front of her was the doppelganger before Katherine and her, Tatia.

"I honestly don’t have anything against you pretty girl, but you are what they call ′ collateral damage",

Tatia smirked and looked at the Original witch who had her killed,
“Are you enjoying your stay, oldie? Or do you want me to switch on the AC? No? Well then, let us continue with our games, where were we my dear witchy friends? Let’s get this party started.”

The witches, all twelve of them started chanting together, sucking Ester’s magic and breaking her bones.

Esther could feel the pain of the bones breaking and her insides bleeding as the magic was being sucked out of her. She knew she deserved this pain and torture for everything she has done, she just hoped that they didn’t harm Elena and the baby.

“No, please don’t do this Tatia, they have changed, they all have redeemed themselves. Please don’t do this, they are killing her”, Elena cried. She couldn’t listen to Esther’s screams anymore, she was like her Mother now and her baby’s grandmother.

"I will stop pretty girl, soon, when I see her dead", Tatia cackled at her own words.

“Be ready, pretty girl, you’re next, after all your child is the strongest powerhouse, isn’t that true?”

“No, my child is not a witch, he or she will be a normal human being, you must have heard wrong, Tatia”, Elena lied and spat at her doppelganger.

Before Tatia could do anything, the door flew open and the window glasses broke. The glass flew and hit three of the witches instantly killing them.

The witches stopped chanting when Davina and Hope walked in hand in hand.

“You messed with the wrong family, dear friends, haven’t you heard the saying ‘Family Above All’?, Hope smirked.

“You’re no match to them little girl, you may be a powerful hybrid witch but you don’t know these witches. They are the most powerful coven from Salem, the land of witches. They love stealing powers from pretty little witches like you”, Tatia retorted before nodding at her assistant.

Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were hit with the heavily dosed vervain darts multiple times and dragged to the centre of the apartment where many candles were placed with some bowls of water and blood.

Hope was finding it difficult to fight against the nine witches. The witches had become more powerful by stealing Ester’s magic.

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