Chapter 2

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Hearing her voice after 18 years made his undead heart stop beating.

His head started filling up with memories of their time together.

Her expressive doe eyes, her beautiful brown hair and her wonderful laugh filled his head.

He couldn’t believe it.


“Its been a long time, Elijah, hasn’t it?”

Elijah was so shocked after hearing her voice that he stopped paying attention to what she was saying.

“You are alive. You didn’t die...”

Elena let out a small sad chuckle and then replied after sighing, “I am alive, I never died Elijah. Well I was kind of half dead but that’s a long story to explain and we will have enough time for it. But before we talk about that, I need you to do something.”

Elijah looked at Klaus who was silently listening to their conversation and could clearly hear the fast heartbeat of his brother.

“What is it lovely Elena?”

“I need you to come to Richmond. Please , don’t ask me any questions right now, I promise I will answer every single one of them once you get here.”

“I don’t know if I could do that sweetheart.”

Elena smiled at his term of endearment and then frowned and said, “I know what is going on, Elijah and that is why I am calling you now. There are some things that you don’t know yet, but they are very important and no, I can’t tell you on the phone.”

Elijah looked at Klaus and Klaus just shrugged.

Elijah knew he didn’t have the power to refuse her.

“Alright Elena , I will be there by midnight. We can meet tomorrow morning”.

“No! As soon as you arrive in Richmond, please come and meet me at the address that I will text you. It is really important Elijah and you need to be here as fast as you can.”

Elena was trying to suppress her panic and control her breathing but Elijah could hear it loud and clear. He understood that she was scared of something, but what?

“Also, you can ask Klaus and Hope to accompany you because this concerns her too.”

Now, both the brothers were worried. How did Elena know about Hope? And what was it that concerned Hope?

Klaus was getting agitated after hearing about a possible threat against his daughter.They needed to go to Richmond as soon as possible.

“I will be there.”

With that they both made a few calls and got on the first flight to Richmond, Virginia.

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