Chapter 25

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The witches had sucked all the magic from Esther and now turned to Elena.

They started chanting and suddenly Elena felt strong and painful cramps. She knew it was something to do with the witches trying to extract her baby’s magic.

She screamed and cried due to the pain and Kol quickly sent a text to his sister. Freya and her friends formed a circle and started chanting, Marcel opened the door and let them in.

Tatia was shocked looking at the new witches and was about to call for her vampire army when she noticed that everyone was lying on the floor dead.

She was so engrossed in taunting the tied Mikaelsons and enjoying her victory that she didn’t notice her army being killed.

“You can’t beat me”, she laughed wickedly.

“Watch me, psycho”, Freya said before nodding at Kol.

Kol and Marcel quickly caught the evil doppelganger as she was trying to get away while Freya tried stopping the witches. The dark magic witches were unable to do anything anymore as their magic was being blocked.

Caroline quickly untied Hope and Davina even when the vervain chains burnt her hands. She went over to Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah but there were a lot of vervain ropes tied to them and couldn’t untie them.

Hope knew the vervain won’t affect her much so she tried untying their ropes and succeeded.

Caroline, Hope, Klaus and Rebekah killed the other evil witches and Elijah rushed towards Elena who was in lot of pain.

Esther was breathing hard and held Elena’s hand, “I..I w-want y-you be h-ha-happy Elena, n-never feel g-guilt for me, t-this is all..all m-my f-fault, I d-deserve this. M-My, I am s-so s-sorry, I lo-love you all s-so much.”

Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah hugged their mother tightly and cried as she took her last breath. Freya and Kol silently supported their siblings with tearful eyes.
Elena cried, “You can’t leave us Esther, we all need you!”

“Elijah, Elena is bleeding, you need to get her to the hospital quickly, please”, Caroline pleaded looking at her best friend’s dress that was covered in blood.

“Elena, we have to go, I’m sorry”, Elijah picked up Elena and quickly rushed out, followed by Kol, Rebekah and Davina.


Klaus and Marcel held Tatia and injected with her own vervain darts.

“Let’s go love, I’ll send someone to clean this place up”, Klaus sighed looking at the mess.

“What Dad means to say is, he’ll send someone to burn this place down”, Hope chuckled looking at her father.

“You know me so well my littlest wolf”, he laughed and carried Tatia out.

Caroline laughed at their silly behaviour and started towards the door when Hope stopped her, “Mom! Wait, I smell something, there is still someone here.”

“What? Hope, sweetheart there’s no one here, let’s leave, we’ve had a very long day”, Caroline said looking at the dead bodies.

“No, Mom, I can smell someone, a wolf! I know there is someone still alive”, Hope insisted.

Klaus came back again to ask them what they were waiting for when Hope told him the same thing.

“Take a sniff Dad, you’ll smell the wolf too.”

Klaus took a sniff and he smelt it too but it wasn’t that potent, it was very faint.

“I think it’s coming from the basement”, Hope guessed.

“You stay here young lady, your Mom and I will go and check, don’t move”, Klaus ordered strictly.

Hope followed her parents rolling her eyes at her father’s overprotective actions. Caroline and Klaus opened the door to the basement and what they saw shocked them to the core.

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