Chapter 15

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“Astrid, it is so good to see you”, Esther said stepping forward to hug her old friend.

“It is good to see you as well, my friend. And I see that you’ve told him about me. So, is it finally the time?“, Astrid raised an eyebrow.

“Time? Time for what?“, Klaus asked interrupting their conversation.

“Niklaus! Look at you boy! You’ve grown so much”, Astrid hugged Klaus and kissed his cheeks.

Klaus just stood there stiffly not knowing what to do with his newly known aunt.

“Time for me to do something for my nephew, Niklaus, time for me to sacrifice for family. I’ve lived my life and I want to be with my brother. But above all that, I want you to be happy with your siblings and your daughter”, Astrid said answering his previous question.

“You must be Astrid, nice to meet you ma’am , I am Elijah Mikaelson”, Elijah said appearing in the room with Elena by his side.

“I know who you are boy. And is this the way you greet your aunt? Ma’am? Really, boy?“, Astrid asked amusingly and gave him a hug too.

“I may not be your biological aunt, Elijah but you are my nephew just like Niklaus. You all are my nieces and nephews and I have missed you all so much”, a tear slipped down her cheek.

“If that is the case then where were you all these years?“, Klaus asked her still suspicious of her.

Astrid just smiled and started explaining to everyone about her whereabouts.

“When Mikael came to know about Esther’s infidelity, he, along with his men, came to our village and began slaughtering everyone in fit of his rage. At that moment, me and my brother escaped but a few of them followed us, so me and Ansel went separate ways.

I used to get visions of Mikael driving a sword through your bodies. I didn’t know what it meant until I saw Esther in one of my visions and she explained everything to me. I kept running, saving my life not only from Mikael but also from the witches who came to know about me being a hybrid.

Few centuries later I saw you and Elijah during one of your celebration balls in France. I was about to approach you but then I saw you both draining bodies for fun and I realized you both were off the rails. I decided to wait but then I got ambushed by the crazy Gemini witches in the fifteenth century. I woke up a month ago, thanks to Esther”, Astrid gave a grateful smile to Esther.

“I apologize Aunt Astrid, we both had become blood thirsty monsters during that period. We never meant to scare you away. If we had known, you wouldn’t be ambushed by those witches and you would still have your powers”, Elijah said looking extremely guilty.

Elena kept a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“It is quite alright, my child, it was my own fault trusting those evil bastards”, Astrid huffed.

Caroline looked at Astrid and let out a small laugh. Hearing her laugh, everyone turned to look at her.

“What’s so funny, Care?“, Elena asked amused at Caroline’s ability to laugh at serious moments.

“I just …Uhmm…It’s just that you have the same face as Klaus, when he is angry. I just found it a little funny considering you both have never met yet you two act so similar to each other. And you look like Klaus’ female version”, Caroline said looking at Astrid nervously.

Everyone chuckled at Caroline’s observation and Caroline blushed even more.

“You know all my faces so well, love. Is that why you always keep staring at my handsome face?“, Klaus asked teasing her further.

"Shut up Klaus!", Caroline said embarrassed while everyone continued laughing.

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