Chapter 27

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"I am so sorry, Mr. Mikaelson but we could only save your twin boys. We tried our best but we couldn't save your wife."

Elijah was utterly shaken, no his Elena couldn't be dead, could she?

No, surely the doctor was mistaken. Yes, the doctor must be wrong he thought and ran into the delivery room.

"Elena, lovely, please wake up, Elena ! I said wake up, I need you to open your beautiful eyes lovely, please", he cried holding her hand.

Rebekah and Kol were each handed their twin nephews.

Caroline hugged Rebekah and Kol and kissed each baby on the forehead.

"We didn't even know she was having twins! They are so small, Bekah, so precious but how are we going to deal with Elena's demise?", Kol asked as he saw his brother crying near Elena through the glass.

Elijah sighed and kissed Elena's head before going out to meet his child.

"Kol, let me see my baby and Rebekah whose child are you carrying?", Elijah asked hoarsely.

"They are both yours, Elijah, yours and Elena's, two little boys", Rebekah uttered smiling tearfully,
"Here", Rebekah passed the baby in her arms to Elijah and watched as he whispered to his child that he was so beautiful.

Kol gently swayed the little one in his arms who was watching everyone quietly.

This little one was the exact copy of Elijah, with same nose, eyes and hair. Suddenly they heard someone gasping for air and saw Elena sitting up and looking around panicked.

They all rushed in the room and Elena calmed down looking at Elijah and the baby in his arms.

"How is she alive, Elijah? We couldn't hear her heartbeat a few moments ago", Rebekah asked Elijah who seemed to have a theory of how this might have happened.

"Maybe the same way Hope saved Hayley with her vampire blood, my children are not just warlocks, they're hybrids", Elijah was amazed and so were the others.

"Oh thank God, pass me our baby Elijah, I want to see our little one."

Elijah passed the baby to Elena and took his twin in his arms from Kol.

"We have two boys Elena, twins", he smiled looking at his lady love.

"T-Twins?....They both are so beautiful and cute ,Elijah and they are all ours", she teared up.

The baby in her arms started gasping for air and they all panicked.

Kol quickly rushed to call the doctor and Rebekah tried to keep Elena calm. The doctor was surprised to see Elena alive but Caroline took care of it.

He checked on the baby and informed them that the little one had weak lungs and needed to stay in the NICU for a few weeks.

Elijah saw Elena was reluctant to hand over the baby but he took him gently from her and handed her the other twin.

"Don't worry, Elena, our babies are strong little warriors, he is going to be fine in few days", Elijah smiled.

He kissed her softly before passing the baby to the doctor and accompanying them to the Neonatal ward.

"Hello, Elijah Junior, welcome to our dysfunctional and crazy family", Klaus smiled kissing the baby's head.

"Don't scare him, Klaus, he is just born, give the little guy a break!", Kol yelled making everyone laugh.

"So, what are you naming them, Elena?", Rebekah asked curiously.

"Well, I had tossed around a few names for both a boy and a girl but since they are both boys I've decided that this little one will be named Eliezer Elijah Mikaelson, after his father and our other warrior baby will be known as Elias Henrik Mikaelson, after his youngest uncle", she smiled looking at Elijah, standing at the doorway, who felt so overwhelmed by hearing her choice of names.

Freya walked in to the room after burying their Mother and performing the last magical rites with Davina.

"So, what did I miss?"

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