Chapter 13

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"What do you mean you aren't going to survive this? What is wrong, Elena? Please tell me."

"This child is a gift from the nature, from the witches. He or she is very powerful, even more powerful than the thousand witches combined.
Apart from that, they are also part vampire and they are currently surviving on my blood. I am not strong enough to survive this, Elijah.
That is also one of the reasons why I called you urgently, I need to consume your blood to survive until I give birth to this baby."

"I cannot think of you dying again, Elena. Have you considered transitioning?", Elijah asked curiously.

"I have been there and done that already, Elijah. I don't want to go through that suffering again. I don't want to live with that guilt and regret", Elena said remembering the time when she was a vampire.

"I won't force you to turn, Elena, but is that guilt and regret greater than the love for our child?"

"NO! Absolutely not, Elijah. I-I just don't want to be a bad influence on the child. I want him or her to be brought up with love and care, not with guilt and regret", Elena said tearfully.

"Is that what you think about me too?", Elijah asked with hurt in his voice.

Elena was completely in tears by now.

"I don't think you are a bad influence, Elijah. I think that you will be the best father to him or her. You are a good person who is compassionate, kind and noble. I know that you will always love our child and never abandon them.

The difference between you and me is that, you have been a vampire for so long, you never lose your calm and control whereas I have lost control so many times, Elijah.
You have taken care of your siblings like a father, Elijah and I couldn't even protect my brother once. How will I take care of a child, a child that will look up to me for everything?", Elena answered hoarsely.

Elijah took her in his arms and tried to soothe her. By now her cries could be heard by everyone present in the suite.

"Oh Elena, why didn't you tell this to me before? Whatever you are thinking is not true, sweetheart. Nobody is born perfect, we all have made mistakes that we aren't proud of, lovely, we all have insecurities.

All that matters is our love for our baby, Elena, and the promise of loving them, taking care of them, and being there for them always and forever", Elijah said kissing the top of her head.

"We are a family, Elena. Family is everything to us Mikaelsons because we consider family above all the hardships and sufferings.
We are in this together, lovely, I won't leave your side ever again, I give you my word", Elijah said determinedly looking into her eyes.

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