Chapter 18

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“Doppel-umm...I mean Elena”, Kol called out nervously as he watched Elena walk to the kitchen.

Elena turned around and looked at him as if he had grown two heads, “Me? You’re talking to me? Did I hear you correctly?”

“Uh...I umm...wanted to talk to you”, Kol said avoiding eye contact. He was thankful he didn’t start sweating due to the nervousness he was feeling right now.

“Sure, just let me grab a snack. We are hungry”, Elena smiled rubbing her small bump.

“I will wait for you in the garden”, Kol informed her and quickly walked in the direction of the garden where an outdoor dining table was set up.

"Kol, you wanted to talk?", Elena sat down on a chair across Kol.

“Uh yes, I just wanted to say that I accept your apology”, Kol said looking at her.

“Why the sudden change? Did Elijah-“, Elena began suspiciously before he interrupted her.


“I mean no, Elijah didn’t do anything. I don’t want to fight with the mother of my nephew all the time. I don’t want to cause any harm to him or you”, Kol said getting to the point.

“So, you want to be on good terms with me just because I am pregnant with your nephew?“, Elena asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes?“, Kol replied uncertainly.

“Okay, that will have to do I guess. I mean, I really wanted you to forgive me but calling truce because of the baby is a start. May be in the future you can forgive me because I really regret doing what I did”, Elena said hopefully.

“Maybe one day”, Kol gave her a small smile.

Now that he thought about it, the doppelganger didn’t seem that bad.

“So, you think that the baby is a boy?“, Elena asked Kol who looked smug.

“Darling, I don’t think, I know that the baby is a boy. And guess who is his favorite uncle?”

Elena knew what he was going to say next but she pretended as if she didn’t.

"ME!", Kol said arrogantly.

"Brunch time!", Rebekah yelled walking into the garden and placed different kinds of food on the table.

Everyone else followed her to the garden and sat at the table.

“Are you feeling alright, lovely?“, Elijah asked as he sat next to her.

“Everything is good, Elijah, everything is fine”, Elena smiled looking at everyone having a good time.

Outside the mansion, New Orleans:

A brunette stood staring at the happy couples smiling and enjoying a family lunch in the huge garden.

“Enjoy the last moments of your life, Mikaelsons, because I am coming for you all soon, very very soon”, the brunette laughed out an evil laugh.

“What do you want me do, sire?“, her faithful slave asked her timidly.

“For now, I will leave them alone, let them think everything is going well and then we will strike. I want them to suffer the same way I have for all these years.”

“Yes, sire”

“I want you to find that witch practicing expression, she already knows what we want and she is going to help us destroy them once and for all”, the brunette said with a evil smirk.

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