Chapter 19

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"Hope, sweetie, can I talk to you?", Caroline asked Hope, who just came out of her closet.

“Sure, Mom”, Hope replied immediately and then froze realizing what she just called Caroline.

“I am really sorry, Caroline, I just-“, she started only to be hugged by Caroline, who was previously stunned.

“It is okay baby girl, I know you miss your mother and that is what I wanted to talk to you about”, Caroline said pulling away.

“I do miss her, Caroline, but calling you Mom was not a mistake, it feels so right calling you my mom. In the past month, you’ve loved me like you love Josie and Lizzie, you’ve always held my hand when I am suffering from nightmares. 

And no, I am not replacing my real mother, she will always be in my heart, but you will always be here whenever I need you, won’t you?“, Hope asked tearfully.

“Of course I will be here sweetheart, I will always be here for you and your daddy. This time, I am not going anywhere, we are a family now, and we will stay together always and forever”, Caroline replied with tears of happiness running down her face.

“Always and forever, Mom”, Hope said repeating their family vow.

“What did you want to talk to me about, Mom?”

“I wanted to tell you that, please don’t shut us out sweetheart, we are all worried about you. I know you’re hurting, but you need to share your pain with us.
You don’t have to pretend to be strong all the time, Hope, it is okay to cry, it is okay to be vulnerable. Nobody is going to judge you, sweetie, and if someone does, they’ll have to deal with me and your father”,

Caroline huffed and continued,

“Nobody wants to get on the bad side of the big bad hybrid”, she said jokingly.

“And his baby vampire”, Hope laughed when Caroline narrowed her eyes at her.

“You better run, Hope Mikaleson! I will show you what this baby vampire can do”, Caroline said running after the laughing teenager.


Somewhere in French Quarter:

“Why am I here vampire? What do you want? I am not going to do your dirty work, whatever it may be”, the witch yelled at the brunette.

“Think again, old hag, we are talking about the same enemy here after all”, she said wickedly.

"So you want to destroy the Mikaelsons?", the witch asked cautiously.

“I want to kill every single one of them. I want to see them begging for their life just like I had begged them to spare mine.”

“What will I get from this?”

“I will give you the most powerful magic source, once it is here”, the brunette smirked at the confused witch.

“What is this powerful magic source? There is nothing more powerful than expression magic, you dumb girl.”

"You are a fool, witch, the most powerful magic source is Elijah Mikaelsons’ unborn child. The child with the power of dead witches and it’s ancestors, the gift of nature", the brunette sneered hatefully.

“Are you sure?”

“You can confirm it yourself, witch.”

“I am in. I want those bloody Mikalesons gone, permanently ", the witch replied to the brunette.

“That is what I wanted to hear.”


“Y-yes, sire?”

“Inform the others. Let the destruction begin!”

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