Chapter 28

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“You need to make a decision, lovely, time is running out”, Elijah reminded Elena who kept staring at the baby thinking if this was real or not.

She was a mother now, two little babies depended on her now. Could she do it, could she be good mother?

“Elena, we are in this together, I know we both don’t have any experience but we will learn it on the way. We all need you, Elena. I was so scared that I had lost you forever but you’re here and I never want to lose you, ever. I love you so much, lovely. Thank you for giving me our family even if I do not deserve it”, Elijah kissed her hand.

“I have already made my decision Elijah, I don’t want to leave you and our babies. I don’t want to leave our family. I am ready to transition. And I love you too, Mr. Mikaelson”, Elena smiled looking at his relieved face.

“Ahem”, Klaus smirked looking at his brother’s irritated face.

“We have a little surprise of our own too”, Caroline smiled excitedly,” Hope, come on in.”

“Everyone, please welcome Noah Nikolas Mikaelson, the newest member of our family along with Eliezer and Elias. He is named after his Daddy and his Uncle Kol”, Caroline said looking at their shocked and happy faces.
“Where did you steal him from, brother?“, Kol asked curiously.

“KOL !“, Davina scolded her immature husband.

“I stole him from the same place that you were stolen from”, Klaus retorted.

“Enough of this, you two are always fighting like little kids”, Caroline shut them up and turned to answer everyone’s question,
“We found him with dead werewolves in the basement. I guess his entire family was killed by Tatia and her vampire goons. He was poisoned with wolfsbane but since he hasn’t turned , it didn’t affect him yet but we still had him checked and he is fine and healthy now, aren’t you my baby boy?“, Caroline kissed Noah’s cheeks lovingly.

Klaus smiled at them and kissed Caroline on the side of her head. She had brought so much happiness in their life. Hope had gained a mother and he had gained her love and trust and also a new baby.

He never thought he would be a father ever again but life never ceases to surprise him. He had already drawn the adoption papers and persuaded the concerned authorities to complete the process as soon as possible.

“Congratulations, brother”, Elijah hugged Klaus and Caroline and kissed the baby’s cheek.

“He looks like Caroline”, Rebekah said hugging her brother and Freya agreed going to hug Elena and Caroline.

They all arrived home except for Elijah who stayed with his baby who was still in NICU since Elena was a newly turned vampire, he didn’t want to overwhelm her with the strong smell of blood.

Rebekah, Caroline and Hope had ordered nursery furniture before Elena was discharged from the hospital. The two nurseries were ready for the three new additions. One was a beautiful elegant nursery for the twins and the other one was a safari themed nursery for Caroline’s little love.

 One was a beautiful elegant nursery for the twins and the other one was a safari themed nursery for Caroline’s little love

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One week later Elias was declared fit and discharged from the hospital. Elena was in heaven with the love of her life who had just proposed and her two beautiful children.

Eliezer was quiet, calm and observant just like Elijah whereas Elias was loud and mischievous just like his uncle Kol. But the brothers loved each other a lot and couldn’t stand being separated for too long.

Klaus couldn’t stop smiling nowadays looking at his beautiful girlfriend and their kids.

Noah was such a wonderful baby, he looked innocent but was always demanding and stubborn just like him and Caroline.

They all were finally at peace with their past and their crazy family.

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