Chapter 10

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Elijah searched around the rooms for Elena and found her standing on the balcony, talking to Esther. He tried to avoid listening to their conversation but he couldn’t help himself from listening to a word or two.

He heard Esther scolding Elena about something along the lines of “need to tell him immediately” and “I am scared”, the second one coming from Elena.

“Mother”, Elijah said stepping out on the balcony, making his presence known.

“I will leave you two alone”, Esther said smiling at them.



They both chuckled and stared at each other for a long time until Elena looked away and broke the silence, “So, have you decided what you are going to do?”

“What decision , Elena? You know how I feel about family”, Elijah asked looking confused.

“Your decision about sacrificing yourself, Elijah”.

“I don’t think I want to do that anymore. I don’t want to abandon you again, Elena”, Elijah said looking guilty.

“You didn’t know, Elijah. It is in the past now. Let’s just focus on the present”, Elena gave him a sad smile.

“It still angers me and makes me feel stupid about believing the eldest Salvatore of all the people!“, Elijah said gritting his teeth.

Elena could see that he was getting worked up, so she decided to change the topic.

“So, how do you feel about becoming a father? I know that this is what you’ve always wished for”, Elena said smiling at him.

“Although, I never expected for this to happen, I am quite happy and delighted about this opportunity, Elena. It still feels surreal to me.”

“When Hope was born, I saw the look of complete wonder and amazement on Niklaus’ face whenever he looked at her and at that moment I wanted to be in his shoes and experience that unimaginable joy. I do love my niece Elena, but I have always envied Klaus’ ability to have children.
And now, I get to experience that because of this little miracle. I have never been so grateful about something in my entire life until now”, Elijah continued with tears in his eyes.

He had never shown so many emotions to anyone in all these years, but his unborn child was already making him do things that he has never done before. He chuckled at his thoughts.

“As happy as I am, Elena, would you like to tell me why Esther was scolding you a moment ago?“, Elijah asked and as soon as he did, he heard her heartbeat increase a little.

“What is it lovely, please tell me, I know it is something to do with our child”, Elijah said pleadingly.

“I don’t want you to worry about it, Elijah”, Elena said not meeting his eyes.

“Why are you being so stubborn, Elena? This is my child too. I deserve to know everything, don’t shut me out!“, Elijah said raising his voice a little.

Elena sighed at looked outside the balcony, watching a happy family pass by, holding each other’s hands. She smiled looking at the small girl holding the hands of her parents and smiling from ear to ear.

“I am not going to survive this, Elijah”, Elena whispered finally looking at him.


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