Chapter 24

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The vampires assisting Tatia hit Davina and she was tied while unconscious.

“Welcome to your hell, Mikaelsons! It feels so good to have you all under my thumb. Finally, after hiding for so many centuries , I’m going to have my revenge.

Revenge for killing my descendants and I . I wanted to spare your precious doppelganger Elijah but she had to get knocked up by you.”

"Please Tatia, please let Elena and my niece leave, they have done nothing to you, you know that. Why punish the innocents?", Elijah begged.

"They are not here for me my love, your precious Elena and your niece are my reward to the witches. They want to suck the raw power from your niece and your unborn child. And you all on the other hand...",
Tatia laughed like a maniac,

" You all are going to die today but not so easily Mikaelsons, I’m going to torture you to the point of desiccation again and again and finally I’m gonna kill you with your favorite weapon.”

Tatia held the white oak stake in her hand and nodded to the witches. The witches chanted a spell that made the originals dizzy and soon they were graying without any daggers.

“Please Tatia, don’t do this”, Elena pleaded looking at the love of her life being desiccated.

Tatia just laughed at her and watched the Mikaelsons’ state with so much satisfaction.


“Something’s wrong Kol, I can feel it, we have to go inside and see what’s happening”, Caroline was irritated by sitting in the car for so long.

She could feel it, Klaus was in danger, her daughter was in danger.

“I think so too, Care, I’ll go call some backup first, then we’ll head inside”, Kol didn’t show it but he was worried about his family which now included Elena too.

He took out his phone and called someone, “How soon can you get here?”

Freya arrived some time later with some of her powerful friends, “Let’s go get them, brother”, she smiled at him before they started towards the apartment.

“Are you having fun without me?“, Marcel smirked looking at Kol.

"You called him?", Kol asked Freya who smiled sheepishly.

“The more the merrier, brother, let’s go.”

Kol and Marcel entered through the broken window, without being noticed by anyone.

He looked at unconscious Davina and stiffened , he wanted to go and check if she was alright but Marcel stopped him and nodded at Elena and Esther.

Kol got the message loud and clear. They slowly started killing the vampires, one by one.

Some of them were newly turned whereas some were older and stronger.

Kol made use of the stakes he had brought with him while Marcel was enjoying snapping necks.

Freya and her friends waited outside the door awaiting Kol’s text. They had put a cloaking spell on themselves so the dark magic witches couldn’t sense them.

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