Chapter 16

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Elena sat on the balcony, looking at the gardens surrounding the mansion. It had been a week since the sacrifice of Aunt Astrid. It was a bittersweet moment for everyone present. It had also been a week since they moved to New Orleans.

The sacrifice was performed in the infamous Lafayette cemetery where the dead remain dead. Even though they didn’t know Aunt Astrid for a long time, they all loved her and wished they could’ve done something to save her but that woman was hell bent on sacrificing herself for her nephew.

"Have you eaten today, Elena?", Elijah asked appearing in her doorway as handsome as ever in a grey suit.

“I don’t feel like eating anything, Elijah. I can’t seem to keep anything down. I am tired all the time”, Elena said moodily.

Elijah sat down beside her and took her hand in his, "Just a few more months, lovely, then we will be holding our little troublemaker in our arms. He or she will be spoilt by their uncles and aunts.
Rebekah is already ready with a shopping list, all she needs is to know the gender of her new liten perle ", he chuckled and Elena laughed lightly at Rebekah’s antiques.

The blonde had forgiven her the moment she stepped in their house with Elijah. It was unexpected and surprising to see such a huge change in her behavior.

While Rebekah had already forgiven her and even started planning for a grand baby shower, her brother, Kol was a completely different story. He was still a little, okay maybe more than a little, hostile towards her.

He just stared at her for a long time , when she arrived, and walked away stomping his feet all the way to his room.

The next day when Elena tried to apologize, he just nodded and walked away again.

“We need to talk, Elijah, we still haven’t discussed about us”, Elena said looking into his eyes.

“What is there to discuss, Elena? You know there is no other woman in my life except for you”, Elijah said trying to avoid the topic. He knew things were about to go down.

“I am the only woman in your life, Elijah, but not in your heart. I know you still love her. I am not blind. But I cannot blame you for moving on either, you didn’t know I was alive. I know you loved her a lot, and probably still do in the same way she loved you”, Elena said tearfully. It was difficult to control her emotions these days, especially around Elijah.

“Elena, I...”

“Don’t.. don’t try to deny it Elijah, I know you love me, but you are not in love with me. I can see in in your eyes. I also know that you are here with me just because of this child”, Elena said looking away.

The truth hurt, but it needed to be said. They needed to have this conversation.

“That is not true Elena, please don’t say such things. I may not be in love with you but I care about you as much as I care about our child. I know you love me, sweetheart and trust me 
I am trying to move on, to stop loving her but I always feel like I am betraying her, like I am trying to replace her”, Elijah said with tears in his eyes.

Even if he recently got his memories back, he couldn’t stop loving Hayley. He loved Elena once upon a time, he really did, but he didn’t know what he felt for her now.
His feelings were overwhelming and confusing him. It took him a long time to move on from Elena and now he needed to move on from Hayley. He knew he was hurting her, he didn’t mean to, but he couldn’t just pretend to love her.

Elena felt guilty to force this conversation with Elijah.
She knew how much Hayley meant to him and she knew it firsthand how it felt to lose a lover when she thought she had lost Damon, who came back later from the prison world.

"I am sorry Elijah, I shouldn’t have started this conversation. I just..", Elena said looking at him guiltily.

“Don’t worry Elena, I understand. I just want you to know that even if I am not in love with you, I will always care about you”, Elijah said kissing her forehead.

"Maybe we can start over again? You friends?", Elena asked him with a small smile.

“Of course, my dear”, Elijah said returning her smile, “Anything to make you happy.”

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