Chapter 22

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“So, have you thought of names? I mean we still don’t know the gender but you must have decided on some names for a boy or a girl, right?“, Kol asked while sharpening a stake.

"No, I’ve not decided on any names yet, I want to discuss it with Elijah...I mean it’s his baby too, you know?", Elena glared at him.

"Oh, I didn’t know that at all. Thank you for enlightening me with this information Ms. Gilbert!", Kol smirked causing Elena to throw an apple at him.

“Why are you here, Kol? Don’t you have anyone else to bother?“, she huffed looking at the intolerable man.

“I did have better things to do...instead of babysitting you doppelganger, but my dearest brother has given me orders that I must follow or else...“, Kol shivered thinking of the consequences.

“Please leave me alone. I am already suffering from back ache , I so don’t want a headache too.”

“Alright, but remember you told me to go not the other way around.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

Kol just huffed and went to his room mumbling about bloody hormones and miracle pregnancies.

“Oh God, when will this end, I feel like a bloated whale and I’m still at 28 many more to go. I’m never getting pregnant again!”

"Are you okay, Elena honey?", Esther asked coming into the dining room.

“Yes, Ester, I’m fine but my back is aching a lot and the baby has been playing football with my insides”, Elena sighed shifting a little due to discomfort.

“Wait here, let me get you something to drink, it’ll settle down the little one and relieve you from the back ache”, Esther went to the kitchen to search for the herbs.

Suddenly the lights started blinking and smoke came out of nowhere, there were several voices chanting in latin and Elena was terrified.

She started to feel a little dizzy, dark spots covering her vision and everything went black.

Esther smelt the smoke and rushed into the dining room only to lose her consciousness.


Two hours later Rebekah, Caroline and Klaus came home only to find Kol lying near the steps with his neck broken and a missing doppelganger. Esther was nowhere to be found too.

"I knew it! I knew Ester was up to no good. She had to ruin everything. I’m going to find her and when I do, I’ll make sure she dies this time, permanently!", Klaus roared.

"Esther is not responsible for this, Nik. I found this drink with the pain relieving herbs in the kitchen. She must be making this for Elena", Rebekah said coming from the kitchen.

“Oh no, this means she has been taken too, where is Hope?“, Caroline asked looking for the teenager.

“She told me that she was going to meet Davina to talk about some spells, she isn’t back yet, I’ll call her to check if she is safe”, Rebekah started dialing her number.

"What is going on here?", Elijah asked stepping in the living room, returning from his expedition at French Quarter.

Klaus started sweating at the aspect of telling his brother that Elena had been taken.

Kol started waking up and slowly regained his senses.

"Elena...", Kol mumbled.

"Elena!!", Kol shouted suddenly aware of all the people.

“Where is Elena? Bekah, where is Elena and Esther?”

"What do you mean, where is Elena? I left you to look after her KOL!", Elijah growled moving towards Kol.

Klaus got between his brothers before a fight broke out.

“This is not the time for this brother, we need to find Elena and Ester as soon as possible. We don’t have any leads on this enemy, we need to find this old friend of ours.”

“Nik is right, we need to find them quickly. Hope is safe with Davina. It’s just Elena and Mother who have been taken”, Rebekah sighed.

“I was in my room and I heard some chanting,
I quickly rushed down to check on Elena, when someone snapped my neck.
There was more than one witch involved, Elijah, and they had some sleeping smoke bombs with them. I heard Esther go into the kitchen to get a drink for Elena, she is not involved with the enemy, I’m sure of it”, Kol explained.

Elijah held his head in his hands,"I failed them already."

Rebekah and Kol went to him and put their hands on his shoulders, “We’ll find them Elijah, all three of them.”

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