Chapter 6

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Elijah tried hard not stare at her. All he wanted to do was hold her close to him and never let go.

But that would have to wait until this confusion was sorted out.

He had loved her in the past but some feeling still lingered even when he thought she was dead. He fell for Hayley but that never stopped his mind from wandering to Elena from time to time.

He felt so ashamed of himself. He still couldn’t believe that Elena was alive.

He should have checked for himself, he should have visited Mystic Falls and verified if it was true.
All this pain, longing and hurt could have been avoided.

Esther sighed and continued,

“When I tried killing you, I was also going to kill every vampire sired to you all. And when Kol’s and Finn’s sired vampires died, they did not come back when Kol and Finn were revived.This greatly disturbed the balance of the nature.

So the witches on the other side took me back and I was put on a probation period.I was ordered to correct my sins but without killing anyone, not even vampires.That is when I thought of this way to rectify the mistakes I made.” Esther continued explaining.

"What way?", Elijah asked impatiently.

“Nature is all about balance my child. So when I killed someone, balance had to be restored with new life.

That is when I thought about giving you all a chance to redeem yourselves, to correct your sins by giving you the gift of life, the gift of a child.

So when you and Elena were intimate all those years ago, I performed a spell to turn you into a temporary human.”

"Yes, I did feel different during that particular full moon night. So, this child was conceived when you turned me into a human?", Elijah asked remembering the events eighteen years ago.

A blush rose on Elena’s cheeks and she bit her lip while trying to hide her smile.

“Okay, but that still does not explain why Elena is pregnant now and not eighteen years ago”, Klaus said confused.

Hope didn’t want to listen about her uncle’s past activities but she was confused too.

Now everyone turned to look at Elena.

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