Chapter 12

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A clearing of throat brought Klaus and Caroline back to the present from their intense make out session.

“Oh! Hello, Esther”, Caroline smiled at Esther.

“Hello, my child”, Esther replied smiling back at her.
“You two are buddies now?“, Klaus asked sarcastically.

“Klaus!“, Caroline scolded him while nudging his stomach.

“Niklaus, I am here to talk to you. And before you say no, let me tell you that this is something extremely important regarding Hope and you.”

Klaus wanted to yell at her to go away but when he heard his daughter’s name, he hesitantly nodded.

“Umm...Can I stay? Or should I go?“, Caroline asked awkwardly.

“You can stay, love”, Klaus gave her a small smile.
Caroline nodded and sat next to him holding his hand in hers.

“Go on, Esther.”

Esther sighed before looking at Klaus and continuing, “You don’t have to die. What I mean to say is, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself, son.”

“What? Do you want my daughter to die, you crazy witch?“, Klaus stood up and was about to charge at her.

“Klaus!“, Caroline rushed and held his arm tightly, effectively stopping him from charging at Esther.

“Listen to me, Klaus, let me explain everything”, Esther tried to calm him.

“If I hear any more nonsense coming out of your mouth, I am leaving and this would be the last time we meet. So, talk!“, Klaus said harshly.

“There is a way to save you as well as Hope, Niklaus. You see any powerful person related to Hope would be able to absorb the power of the Hollow by a spell that has been given to me by the witches on other side-”

“But who will be able to absorb such a humongous amount of power without dying?“, Caroline interrupted Esther.

“These witches on the other side are starting to seem a little bipolar to me, first they hated me and my family and now they want to help. I thought they would be happy to be finally getting rid of me”, Klaus commented a little amused and curious.

“The witches on the other side have other plans for our family, Niklaus, their main concern is something else.”

“As for your question, Caroline, there is someone who is willing to sacrifice in place of Klaus”, Esther gave her a sad smile.

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