Chapter 5

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Esther watched as her sons argued with Elena, who had become like a daughter to her during these years.

She understood their point of view and knew it was impossible for them to believe that a vampire could suddenly procreate, so she decided to intervene.

“That is enough children”, she said softly at first.

It was clear that nobody had heard her and even if they did, they ignored it.

Hope laughed quietly looking at her angry grandmother and the brothers who were talking and yelling simultaneously.

“I said that is ENOUGH!“, she shouted loudly this time and all three of them shut their mouths and stood glaring at each other.

“You all are behaving like five year old kids! Is this the way to discuss things?”

They all looked down in shame and then again started glaring at each other.

Esther sighed and decided she should start explaining since Elena was turning more paler than usual after the argument.

“Elena, my child, you need to rest. Please sit down, I will explain everything instead.”

Elena agreed and sat on the armchair still glaring at Klaus.

“Alright Esther, we don’t have time for this, so you better start explaining soon or else we are leaving right this instance”, Klaus growled out.

“Elijah, what Elena just said is true. She is with child. Your child to be exact.”

“That is not possible and you know it very well!“, Elijah said harshly.

“It is very much true and very much possible, Elijah. Possible with my magic.

This child is created by magic, they are a gift from nature.”

“Here we go, again with the magic stuff. Don’t you ever get tired of playing with it?“, Klaus asked snarkily.

Elena shot a hard glare towards him and he shut up instantly.

“What I meant to say was this child is a gift of nature. Do you remember the time when we last met?”

“Yes, of course , the time when you tried to kill us with your Mommy’s boy “, Klaus answered.

“Ah yes, that was a mistake and I should apologize for that. I really regret my decision children” , Esther said shamefully.

“We are not here to discuss about the past mother“, Elijah said not paying any heed to her apology.

To be honest they weren’t sure if she was really apologizing or just faking it.

They already learnt their lesson once.

“Oh but it is, it is all about the past, Elijah”, Elena said staring into his dark orbs.

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