Chapter 20

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“Oh hey, Elijah”

“Do you have any plans for today, Elena?”

“No, Elijah, I don’t have any plans”, Elena said scowling at him.

Elijah raised an eyebrow at her newly developed attitude. Nowadays she was always grumpy and mean.

“I am sorry, Elijah, it is just that I basically do nothing all day. I am tired of being cooped up in your mansion”, Elena huffed.

“And that is the reason I asked if you had any plans today. I was umm..I was wondering if we could go out for dinner tonight?“, Elijah asked gathering some courage.

“Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Mikaelson?“, Elena teased.

“Whatever you say, lovely Elena. I don’t want to force you into anything. I want to spend time with you, get to know you more and slowly restore our bond. I want to do this for us, for our baby and for our family”, Elijah said looking in her eyes.

“I appreciate your efforts, Elijah. I know moving on is difficult, but I am happy that you are giving us a chance to be a proper family. And I would love to go out with you tonight”, Elena smiled.

“I will pick you up at seven. I want to show you something before we have dinner, if that is okay with you. And you can wear whatever you like my dear, you look lovely in everything you wear”, Elijah complimented.

Elena blushed and nodded, “Flattery is not going to earn you extra brownie points, Mr. Mikaelson.”

“I thought I might give it a try. I mean, if Klaus can get those ′extra brownie points’, I can get those too. People have always told me that I have a way with my words. So, do I get those brownie points, lovely?“, Elijah grinned.

“You definitely earned them, Elijah”, Elena chuckled lightly.

Klaus was trying to get into everybody’s good books and get them to forgive him for his previous deeds. Elena knew it had something to do with her best friend’s presence in his life.

She was happy being surrounded by the people who would do anything for family and love.

She was happy that Elijah was finally giving her a chance, giving them a chance.

“I will see you tonight, Elena. And yes, before I go I want to tell you that I don’t appreciate you running down the stairs in this state.
I know Kol has the tendency to keep everyone on their toes but the next time you want to hit him with your shoe, just call me, please”, Elijah said sternly but he couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s antics.

“I couldn’t help it Elijah, he was really annoying me by telling me about his past ′kills’. I didn’t want my baby to hear those terrible things. I know he was doing to get a reaction out of me and that’s what he got, that ba-I mean dirty mustard!“, Elena cursed Kol. She was really annoyed at him.

“Next time just tell me when he does something like that again, okay? I almost had an heart attack when I saw you running down the stairs. You could have hurt yourself Elena, you need to be more careful, lovely. Please promise me, you won’t do it again”, Elijah pleaded.

Elena smiled at his choice of words and looked at him lovingly, “I promise I won’t do that again, even if Kol makes me want to pull out my hair”, she promised sincerely with a small laugh.

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