[3] - mσvíng

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[3rd Person P.O.V]

"Are you sure you want to move miss (L/n)? We can transfer you to another class instead."

"Positive,besides, I already have another school in mind."

(Y/n) confidently yet blandly stated as she filled in the remaining forms for her to move schools.

"We hate to see you go...but if you will it then we have no right to stop you."

Black Vinegar's Principal stood up and outstretched his arms towards
(Y/n) who copied his actions and shook the principal's hand.

"Thank you for letting us supervise you for the past months you've attended our school."
The principal politely said as he broke the handshake making (Y/n) bow out of respect.

"The pleasure is all mine."
After that being said,(Y/n) then spinned on her heels and went out of the room along with K and 2 bodyguards trailing behind her.

"So m'lady which school will you attending now?"
K asked curious what her master has in mind.

"Well...I have seen 6 students from that school and they seem genuinely kind...so I'd like to see if all of the students are like them."

"And which school do they go to?"
K asked further still not getting a gist of her answer.

"..Salt Middle School."


(Y/n) was now infront of Salt Middle School's humble gates as she observed only a few students walking in before walking in herself.

"Class 1-2....Class 1-2..."
(Y/n) repeatedly mumbled as she walked throughout the school's corridors for her assigned class unaware of a few pair of wandering eyes tracing her profile.

"She's so pretty!"

"Is she new? She looks foreign.."

"I wonder what class she's on!"

(Y/n) paid no attention to the obvious compliments given to her since she is not the type of person to listen to other people's conversation.

"There you are."
(Y/n) opened the classroom door sideways as she was met by a boy with a pair of familiar raven orbs that contrasts to her (e/c) ones.
Seeing the the boy's eyes made (Y/n) feel nostalgic and the same goes for the boy,as if the world stopped for a moment and everything slowed down afterwards
But both of (Y/n) and the boy's gaze was cut when they found out that they had been staring at each other forcing both students to go back inside their own conciousness.

"*cough* My name is Kageyama Ritsu,representative of class 1-2,you must be (Y/n) (L/n) the new kid from Black Vinegar Middle School,correct?"

"Yes that is me,nice to meet you Kageyama Ritsu."

(Y/n) bowed out of respect making Ritsu nod in reply as he proceeded to explain the school's protocol,schedule,activities and other essential information.


"So that's all you need to know (L/n), I suppose you already know where your suppose to sit?"

Ritsu asked (Y/n),after all he is the class representative and it was his job to guide his fellow classmen.
(Y/n) nodded and proceeded to the usual anime protagonist seat.
Setting her things aside,(Y/n) finally settled down and gazed outside tracing the clouds that painted sunny sky.

The classroom was empty and only had Ritsu and (Y/n) occupying it for the mean time.
It was a comfortable silence between the two along with a comfortable distance.
(Y/n) still had 35 minutes before classes start so she excused herself and went outside to explore.
The (h/c) girl didnt have to worry about getting lost since she has grown dependent of her photographic memory and would take advantage of that in many ways.

After a few minutes of walking she came across a girl with 4 boys trailing behind her,they look exhausted.

(Y/n) glanced at the 'intresting' students silently curious why they were running up to students then leaving in an instant.
(Y/n) overheard the dark forest haired girl ask (begged) one student to join this so-called Telepathy club.

"No thanks...your club seems weird."

"Telepathy? What's that?"

"Your club is kinda creepy..."

(Y/n) did not understand the situation so she decided to shrug it off and then was followed by the morning bell signalling the students that classes were starting.
(E/c) orbs then traced back to the place (Y/n) once was and walked back to the classroom,once again unaware of the student's gaze on her profile.


"Class as may most of you have noticed....A new student will be attending our class from now on,
(L/n) please stand up and proceed here to intoduce yourself."

(Y/n) stepped in front beside the male teacher giving her the spotlight.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)...nice to meet you."




The teacher coughed as he adjusted his glasses due to the awkward silence going on.

"Uhh (L/n) why dont you say a bit more about yourself?"
(Y/n) stared at her teacher for awhile,not understanding why her introduction was'nt enough.

"I am (Y/n) (L/n)."

"No that's not what I me-"

"My birthname is (Y/n),(Y/n) (L/n)."

(Y/n) repeated looking forward trying to state a matter-of-a fact that she has said what she had to say.

"Yes,but can you tell the class  something you like? Or any hobbies?"

(Y/n) made an 'o' expression meaning she understood her teacher and restated her previous statements.

"Once again,My name is (Y/n) (L/n),
I have taken the liking on astronomy and my hobbie is to go stargazing or to read books about stars especially Polaris."

The class stared at (Y/n)'s profile,
awe struck.
The class was silent for awhile processing (Y/n)'s blessed presence infront of them unknown to them that (Y/n) was already scolding herself in her mind.

'Dont they like astronomy?'

'I should've said something that all of them could realate to...'

'So much for a good impression.'

'They probably think I am some nerd who cant interact with people.'

'They're so silent...do they really find that topic boring? Do they find it boring? Do they find me boring?'

(Y/n) managed to stutter,for once in her life she lost composure and looked frail.

"Im sorry...that topic must be very boring to all of you. I'll stop.."
(Y/n) regained composure and apologized with half-lidded eyes.

By now,the class was already celebrating for having a beautiful and cool girl joining their class as the boys stood up yelling (Y/n)'s name as the girls bombarded (Y/n) with comments,complements,and invites.
(Y/n) simply stayed stoic of the students rowdy behaviour looking around to familiarize a few faces.

(Y/n) had no intention on befriending them but she certainly needs to be associated with them.

"Okay class quiet down. (L/n),you may return to your seat."

(Y/n) vaguely nodded and borishly walked back to her seat as the whole class was still staring at her with the eyes of a child looking at their idol.
Unbeknowist to the (h/c) girl was a certain raven haired boy taking glances at her profile in the corner of his eyes.


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