[25] - wαkє up

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"I wonder what you will think of me now?"

The same thought lingered the female ravenette's mind, repeatedly mocking and reminding her of the mistakes she has made.

"You want to know what I think?"

A voice rang through the ravenette's mind, recieving a singular motion of defence from the unsuspecting female.

"Who's there?"
Akatsuki stood up from her bed inorder to face the voice but has yet to see anyone or anything suspicious in sight.

"I think...."

The voice continued, not giving the ravenette's defensive pose a single thought.

Everything paused for a mere moment until the voice spoke once more giving the female more time to make herself a bit more defensive.

"...You should wake up..."



A pair of raven eyes shot open in suprise, accompanied by cold sweat trickling down his body.

The nervous wreck he got himself in shook his very sanity due to the fact that these very peculiar dreams were reoccuring.

"A dream?"

Ritsu's second dream was far more confusing than the other.
In fact, he still wasn't sure if he was in the real world or not.

"Ritsu? Oh, you're awake!"
The elder brother of the said ravnette opened the boundary between Ritsu's room and the Kageyama household's hallway.

Suprisingly, the petite boy thought Ritsu would wake up before him but he guesses that it was a nice change of pace even for once.

"Uh...yes I am, did you need something?"
Ritsu replied, not knowing how to approach his brother about his recent dream.

"Well, Hanazawa invited us to a theme park....so I thought you would want to come."

Ritsu deadpanned at his brother.

"Hanazawa? You mean that guy who tried killing you for being an esper?"

Ritsu blandly stated making his brother sweatdrop, not because of his brother's blunt demeanor but because he was right.

"But he has changed! He even helped me save you, remember?"
Shigeo defended, very confident of the fact that he has changed.

"So will you come with us?"
Shigeo asked once more desparate of spending some time with his brother.

Ritsu was about to decline but seeing his brother's begging demeanor, he thought otherwise.

Ritsu finally gave in, not wanting to see his precious brother's puppy eyes....how guilty would it make him if he made him cry.

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