[9] - мaĸιng yoυ нappy

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Once Kageyama managed to gather all the courage he needed he took a step on the roller coaster's platform and uncomfortably sat beside (Y/n).

"What does this ride do?"
(Y/n) bluntly asked earning a shocked look from Shigeo.

"Y-y-you've never rode a roller coaster before?"
Shigeo asked earning a faint nod from (Y/n) until regret finally hit the poor boy.

"It is my first time so....yes."
Kageyama was about to pull (Y/n) out of the ride but was too late when the ride started to slowly move to it's highest peak.

Shigeo started panicking as his heart rate picked up,sweating profusely earning (Y/n)'s full attention.

"Kageyama, are you sure you're not sick?"
(Y/n) said unintentionally holding the stuttering boy's hand making the situation for Shigeo alot more intimidating.

"Y-y-y-y-yes! I am PERFECTLY fine!!"
Shigeo unconciously held onto (Y/n)'s hand giving it a tight but gentle squeeze as the girl held his hand back.

"Don't worry I'm here."
(Y/n) comfortingly smiled as Shigeo gulped and nodded shyly giving
(Y/n)'s hand one last squeeze.

After Shigeo calmed down the ride was finally at it's highest peak ready to drop whoever was gullible enough to ride it.

The ride dropped like author-chan's math grade as the two protagonists felt the strong wind touching their cheeks forcing Shigeo to hold onto
(Y/n)'s hand tighter causing a decent amount of cramps but the girl didn't mind.

Shigeo screamed fearing for his life feeling all his intestines going to places.

But Shigeo's panick scene was disrupted when he heard a very familiar laugh....(Y/n)'s laugh..

The young (h/c) was clearly having yje time of her life showing her
eye-closed smile for everyone to see but this time, it was just them.

As if the world stopped, Shigeo forgot about the traumatizing ride both of them were in.

(Y/n)'s hair swayed back fully showing her gleeful and mesmerizing features, her soft (s/c) skin, her (h/l) shiny (h/c) hair, and her plum lips that had tempted countless guys but none prevailed.

Shigeo shook the fear off and continued to gaze at (Y/n)'s pretty features, but was cut off when (Y/n) let out an excited scream forcing Shigeo to remember about the ride they were in.

Though instead of panicking once more, Shigeo also went with the flow and let out a satisfied scream throwing his arms uo in the air with one holding (Y/n)'s already raised once.

(Y/n) screamed once more earning a vague yes from Shigeo as both teens enjoyed the breath taking view courtesy of the so-called scray ride itself.


"That was so much fun, let's go together again!"
(Y/n) chirped seemingly out of character but Shigeo didn't mind as he paced faster to keep up with the eccentric (h/c)-ette lightly skipping through the quiet streets of the night sky.

The night was nostalgic indeed both teens were well aware of the vibe the background was giving off.

As (Y/n) skipped it somehow managed to reveal the silver necklace given to her by her childhood sweetheart available for any wandering eyes.

And one of those wandering eyes happen to belong Shigeo's.

"Uhh...hey (L/n), that necklace of yours.....where did you get it?"
Shigeo suddenly asked pointing at the metal accessory dangling on the girl's neck.

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