[21] - rival romance

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"What are you doing with him?"

The boy with ginger hair and jade eyes asked the unknowing (h/c)-ette  along with venom lacing his tone due to some very obvious reasons.

Within a second Sho paced closer to (Y/n) without taking his glaring eyes of the boy as he immediately ingulfed the girl into a hug.

"Whatever...that doesn't matter right now, as long as you're safe."
Sho whispered in the girl's ear finally relaxing upon touching the (h/c)-ette as the girl returned the ginger boy's hug.

"Sorry..I-I forgot to notify K because I lost my pendant and-and I couldn't finditforhourssoIhadtosearchforit----it tooksometimebutluckilyRitsuhere,

The (h/c)-ette rambled earning a faint chuckle from the boy with jade eyes and faintly giving the panicked girl a passionate peck on the forehead that seemed to do the trick to calm the girl's nerves.

"I'm sorry."
The girl apologized once more allowing her head to rest on the boy's chest followed by Shi giving soothing pats to the girl's soft hair, just like how Ritsu did before.

Unbeknowist to the girl was Sho giving Ritsu a mocking glare and a sly grin eagerly pissing the ravenette off which he, in return, gave another glare.

"So back to my earlier question, who's your friend?"
Sho asked putting emphasis on the friend part to remind the ravenette's only relationship towards the girl.

"Ah...Sho, This is my classmate Ritsu Kageyama."
(Y/n) gestured to Ritsu which Ritsu then returned with a nod followed by (Y/n) gesturing to Sho.

"Ritsu, this is Sho Suzuki my----"

Sho cut the (h/c)-ette off whilst stretching his right hand outwards for the ravenette to shake.

"My name is Sho Suzuki, (Y/n) (L/n)'s fiancé and childhood friend."
Sho introduced once more followed by Ritsu taking the gingerette's hand in a strangely very strong grip.

"Nice to meet you Suzuki."
Ritsu greeted with a kind smile accompanied by his grip tightening around the boy's hand.

"Just call me Sho. After all, you are
(Y/n)'s friend so there is no need for formalities here."
Sho gripped back glaring daggers at the boy but still held the playful spark it once held.

But of course, (Y/n) was too dense to even understand the growing tension between the two, allowing herself to fade away from the scene and go butterfly watching just like how she did in Chapter 12 Part 27.

"So when did you meet (Y/n)?"
Sho started whilst releasing the ravenette from his grasp.

"At her first day of class."
Ritsu kindly replied back to the young Suzuki.

"How about you? How did you become (Y/n)'s fiancé?"
Ritsu stated whilst crossing his arma in the process showing a façade belonging to someone with authority.

"An arranged marriage decided by our fathers."

"Againts yours and (Y/n)'s will?"
Ritsu retorted back not knowing how much he could offend the gingerette or worse....(Y/n).

Silence ingulfed the two with a
one-sided glare as the once jade eyes that glared hard now softly gazed at the (h/c)-ette sitting down on the grassy feild, with butterflies starting to surround her.

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