[17] - suddєn αrrívαl

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"I'm her fiancé."

A suffocating silence fell upon the group as the tension between all of them increased allowing an unsettling aura radiate between the adults and teens.

The silence was broken by the all time favoured ginger con-man making his signature hand gestures before making a face of distraught and disbelief.

"Pipe down Mister, (Y/n)'s going to wake up."
Sho scolded lifting one of his index finger up to his lips along with his other free hand carresing the squirming (h/c)-ette back to sleep.

"E-excuse me.."
Shigeo raised one hand breaking the two ginger males from their bickering montage as all looked at the previously nervous boy.

"Is (Y/n) going to be okay?"
Shigeo asked, curious.
Along with the others silently going along with the question.

Sho raised one eyebrow at the male.
Did (Y/n) really let this plain looking boy call her by her first name?

"And you are?"
Sho ignored the petite boy's question as he held a dominant aura replacing his calm goofy one whilst crossing both of his arms.

"Ah! I-I---my name is Ka-Kageyama Shigeo! Nice to meet you!"
Sho seemed skeptical for a second as he studied the boy from head to toe trying to figure out why (Y/n) would befriend someone like him.

He didn't really need to know his name, since he already knew who he was and how well-acquainted the petite boy was to (Y/n).

The said petite boy awkwardly stood in silence slightly blushing and sweating due to the ginger boy's obvious movements and intense glare.

Shigeo was saved when Sho's hard glare was cut off by K's fist of glory taking a swift knock on Sho's head forcing the boy's jade eyes shut tight due to the sudden painful impact.

Sho complained with his eyes white in pure fury with a visible tick mark appearing on his left cheek.

"You're making young Kageyama nervous, so stop it with your obvious stupid look."
K scolded retracting her dominant hand from the ginger boy's spiky hair allowing it to cross in front of her chest once more.

"Damn you old lady, if (Y/n) didn't care about you so much, I'd personally inform (F/n) about your insubordination."
Sho rubbed the stinging part of his head whilst looking away.

"That's the nicest thing you ever told me."
K replied refering to the part were Sho mentioned about (Y/n) caring about K as the young boy simply shrugged the thought off knowing he can't win in a verbal match againts the snart brunette.

"Wait how can this brat wed (Y/n)? Both of them are at an illegal age."
Dimple interupted thinking logically for once.

Reigen and Shigeo nodded in agreement looking at K and Sho in pure question.

"Oi who are you calling a brat-"
K cut Sho off before he started his series of annoying bickering and complaints.

"Well Master (L/n) wanted to insure the business' and (Y/n)'s future in the hands of someone he trusts, especially after the incident."

The last part came out as a mumble but it was still heard by the four males as the three of them raised their heads questioningly with Sho already knowing what K meant.

"What incident?"
Shigeo asked fearing the worst a bit hesitant but he still needed to know.

K held a face of regret as if she shouldn't have said what she said in the first place.

"Well, you were bound to know anyways."
Sho sigjed and gestured K to tell the trio whatever was hidden underneath.

K took a deep breath and let out the breath she didn't know she was was holding in.

"On 16 January 2013,
an Agusta A109 helicopter crashed in Vauxhall, London, after it collided with the jib of a construction crane attached to St. George Wharf Tower."
K paused trying to remember the life changing even that occured 7 years ago.

"Two people died and one was severely injured in the incident; the pilot, Pete Barnes and a pedestrian, Matthew Wood died in the incident..."

K explained sounding serious with her voice laced with distaste and distraught as-if the incident has done a big negative toll on her life.

"What does this incident have anything to do with (Y/n)?"
Reigen asked giving K his full attention unaware of the brunette twitching from the question.

Suddenly, K's orange eyes was then filled with wet hot tears as she tried to croak out the remaining words she had left but failed anyways.

Sho noticed K's change in demeanor as he instinctively rubbed K's back. Despite their differences both still get along at times.

"(Y/n) was involved in that incident."

Reigen, Shigeo and Dimple's suprised faces already told the duo their reaction as K wiped away tge stray tears perfectly revealing her red cheeks and eyes due to the crying she has done.

Reigen didn't need any of the two to tell him how the incident involves
(Y/n). It all made sense.

"(Y/n) was the one severely injured, am I right?"
Reigen concluded recieving two faint yet knowing nods that belonged to Sho and K.

"The Vauxhall helicopter crash."
A new voice neyered the scene making all present and concious beings look at the direction of the newly made sound.

"Is such an unfortunate even, right?"

A tall girl with a sporty build who also had matching (h/c) hair that perfectly copies (Y/n)'s (h/c) one entered the scene with a lop sided grin allowing her chestnut eyes trail at (Y/n)'s unconcious figure.

"Oh you're back...!"
K greeted a tad bit suprised whilst ignoring her earlier broken down profile and gave the newly arrived character a servile bow showing her respects along with Sho doing the same already knowing who the new character was.

"Welcome back big sister....."

"Lucy (L/n)."

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