[19] - ín nєєd

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"Wow (Y/n), you're more athletic than I thought."
Ritsu complemented after taking a sip of water from his bottled water whilst watching (Y/n) untangle the soft restraint both had on their feet.

"I jog at times."
(Y/n) half-lied, it's true that she jogs but her speed and stamina was thanks to her father's rough training back then.

"You must jog a lot."
Ritsu stated only earning a nod from the girl as the duo resumed their final excercise for the day.


"I'll see you in class (Y/n)."
Ritsu bid goodbye due to them parting ways inorder to change into their uniforms as (Y/n) returned with a wave and a smile.

(Y/n) and the rest of the girl's took a quick bath to rid themselves of the sweat they accumulated from gym class along with the boys doing the same.

The girl's chatter echoed through the quiet space of the enclosed room exclusive for girls.
(Y/n) couldn't really relate to her female acquaintances so she decided to leave early.

The (h/c)-ette adjusted her skirt at a proper and more comfortable angle before checking on her outer appearance to make sure she didn't look like a mess.

Once done, (Y/n) went outside and clenched her chest where her pendant should be, only to realise....

"It's not there!!"


"Come on Kageyama, Tell us what your secret is man!!"
An unnamed boy from the said boy's class bargained along to the young stoic boy with a handful of male classmates doing the same.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Ritsu replied trying to avoid to conversate with his male classmates knowing that he won't get anything  good out from telling his classmates about (Y/n)'s interests.

"Geez man, can you atleast give one advice?"
The male went infront of the ravenette stopping whatever he was doing and momentarily pausing at the boy.

"Come on let's face it, every girl in this school has a thing for you and ever since (L/n) arrived she showed you no interest."
The male taunted earning a look from the now ticked off ravenette.

"Where are you getting at?"
Venom and displeasure laced Ritsu's tone as his glare hardened on the cocky unnamed male extra.

"Im just sayin', since (L/n) doesn't like you, you're trying to rub yourself onto her so she could be one of your petty girl harem-"
The boy was cut-off by a surge of psychic power throwing himself into the bathroom wall along with the others cowering in fear thinking it was just Ritsu's physical capability instead of his psychic power.

"Don't talk crap about me like that...."
Ritsu walked over to the now shivering male as he croyched down to meet eye to eye with his fellow classmen.

"You don't know anything about me.."
Ritsu paused looking at the traumatised male dead in the eye.

"...And you don't know anything about us."

Ritsu finished followed by the male fainting right on the spot due to the handful amount of stress and fear added onto his mental state causing for Ritsu to sigh and stand up leaving his unconcious and scared classmates on their own to ponder on the recent events.

"(L/n)? What's wrong?"
Ritsu faintly heard but still caught his full attention as he peaked around a corner where he saw a horror-filled looking (Y/n) along with a few of his female classmates with worried faces

"I-I lost something."
The female vaguely whispered looking away.

"What did you lose?"
Another one of Ritsu's unnamed female acquaintance asked genuinly worried about the (h/c)-ette's well being.

"I lost..."
Ritsu leaned in closer to hear the girl's  answer.

"...something important.."
Was what Ritsu heard before the girl ran away from her classmates worried gazes and disappearing off to somewhere unknown to the ravenette

Ritsu wanted to follow his female friend but following her would be an invasion of her privacy, so the ravenette decided to wait in the classroom and check on (Y/n) there.


"What's taking her so long?"
Ritsu sighed whilst leaning his frame by his classroom's doorway repeatedly tapping his foot to signify the ravenette's impatience.

It was already sunset and every student has either returned to their own homes or went out of school and is now engaging in miscellanious activities.

The ravenette sighed once more and looked out the school window until his eyes widen at the familiar sight of a beautiful shade of (h/c) hair shining in-between it's sways caused by the (e/c) eyed girl herself.

Ritsu's once worried demeanor was exchanged with relief knowing that the girl was safe and sound but somethibg caught his gaze forcing his breathing stop for a moment.

Deep crimson liquid was clearly visible on the girl's hands with a few stains on her school skirt ruining the girl's once flawless profile.

The ravenette called out from the open window allowing his frame to be casted with bright orange highlights and octagon glares.

The (h/c)-ette seems to be unaware of the boy's call allowing herself to resume her activity.

The ravenette was yet again ignored making Ritsu huff and take both teens bags downstairs where the (h/c)-ette lies.

Sprinting as fast as he could, Ritsu's leather shoes tapped repeatedly againts the school's cold hard floor until he reached the spot where he saw the girl last.

But on the way, he found a shining silver pendant laying randomly on the school's meadow making the ravenette stop for a mere moment.

"This looks familliar."
Ritsu examined the silver pendant feeling a bit nostalgic by it's mere presence alone.

The pendant shined due to the orange reflection of the sunlight casting a vauge reflection on the curious Ravenette's face allowing for the ravenette himself clench the pendant between his fists.

It wasn't the time for him to be dwelling over something unknown.

(Y/n) needs him.

And nothing's stopping him.

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