[8] - a day wιтн yoυ

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"....Who did I forget?"

(Y/n) snapped out of her daze and traced her vision that led to her only companion, Shigeo.

(Y/n) observed Shigeo questioningly, expecting for an answer from his previous disruption.

"Do you....know how to ride a swing?"

(Y/n) seemed dumbfounded at first but finally realised how long she has been staring at the swing.

But to be honest, she actually doesnt know how to ride a swing.

She has seen children playing with it once but some where mostly sitting down and some where standing on it,
A few weren't even swinging,but instead, the children would spin the swing clockwise and let themselves spin counter clockwise.

And seeing all of these makes (Y/n) question the proper usage of the swing.

(Y/n) replied bluntly earning a dumbfounded look on Shigeo only for it to be swiftly replaced with a comforting one.

"That's okay, I can show you!"
Shigeo smiled and gestured (Y/n) to sit on the swing which the girl obliged in doing.

"Okay, Im going to push you, so please hold onto the swing so you wont fall."
Shigeo kindly informed earning a faint nod from (Y/n).

After (Y/n)'s signal Shigeo immediately gave (Y/n) a hard but gentle push sending the swing and
(Y/n) a few centimeters off the ground.

(Y/n) was speechless.
The wind in her hair,
involuntary movement of the swing caused by the momentum of both weights in support of gravity,
The exciting feeling wjen you are brought back and forth.

(Y/n) could not explain any of it.

But one thing was for sure....

For a long time...

She has been yearning for this feeling.

....the feeling of happiness...

"Amazing....Kageyama-san it feels like I'm flying....!"
(Y/n) could not contain herself anymore as she let out an excited gasp with a genuine smile plastered on her face.

Shigeo seemed shocked at first not expecting the girl to be overjoyed at such a simple activity.

But the petite boy shrugged that thought off only concentrating on the girl's happy features.

You look very beautiful when you smile...

Once (Y/n) was done swinging her smile didnt fade but it was not as big as before, though she was still smiling.

"That was so much fun."
(Y/n) said facing Shigeo with an obvious glint of happiness in her usual devoided, cold tone.

"I didnt know you like the swing so much (Y/n)-"
Shigeo covered his mouth realising his mistake.

"I-Im s-sorry I didnt me-mean to u-use your fi-first na-name without your permission so I thought I-I Ireallylileyournameanditremindsme
Shigeo snapped losing his previous confidence and began rambling about his insensitivity.

"Kageyama. Its okay now, where to next?"

(Y/n) changed the subject going back to her stoic demeanor and waved her hand infront of her companion.

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