[20] - ғoυnd

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Orange lighting reflected upon the two polar opposite yet parallel duo as warm tears cascaded down (Y/n)'s pink plush cheeks mixing with the red fluid on the girl's bruised and scratched up hand letting out a stinging sensation but was yet again ignored by the panicking (h/c)-ette.

Ritsu called out once. Ignored.

Ritsu called out twice. Ignored.

Ritsu called out thrice. Ignored.

The ravenette's eyes darken but was a bit saddened seeing the girl was suffering due to something he didn't know of.

Ritsu called out four times. Noticed.

The girl looked behind her to face the ravenette fully revealing her horror filled face with blood and tear stains on the (h/c)-ette's once fair cheeks.

It was upon pure instinct, or so how Ritsu will describe it, when the ravenette instantly ingulfed the
(h/c)-ette into a tight yet comfortable hug allowing for himself to immediately melt into the girl's shocked frame.

"Stop...please...just stop."
Ritsu pleaded earning a vague nod from (Y/n) still gathering the remaining peices of her thoughts.

"What happened?"
The girl tensed after the ravenette's question signalling Ritsu's change of encouragement into knowing the poor girl's mental state.

A few minutes has passed and soothing circles were made upon the girl's back by the ravenette himself whispering comforting and warm words to the girl which seemed to take drastic yet positive change of mood to (Y/n)'s emotions.

(Y/n) seemed to relax in Ritsu's touch also melting into the hug herself allowing her hands to stop clenching onto Ritsu's uniform and rest her head in the boy's chest.

(Y/n) singularly stated referring to Ritsu's earlier question making the ravenette look diwn on her scratched up frame.

Ritsu asked; intrigued.
The boy looked down on the girl's hidden frame trying to be as gentle as possible thinking she might break even if a tiny bit of force was applied.

(Y/n) reached her hand out to grasp her comforting friend's shoulder making the ravenette to tense up a bit but managed to keep his cool in the end.

"Ritsu...my pendant...."
(Y/n) looked up with her voice cracking and her breathing also uneven along with her (e/c) eyes glossy and puffy from all the crying she has done.

"Pendant? Say, was your pendant silver?"
Ritsu asked hoping to get a positive answer from the girl and solve her problem and somehow help her in a way.

The girl's eyes widen and glimmer under the reflection of the disappearing orange ray replaced by specs of white under the dark colored heavens.

That singular glimmer was all Ritsu needed to answer his question allowing himself to reach into his right pocket and pull out the shiny material he previously found on the ground.

"Is this what you were looking for?"
Ritsu adked holding the silver pendant by it's lace allowing the heavier feline object to dangle by the momentum added into it.

The girl wasted no time and swiftly grabbed the pendant and tightly clenching it on her chest allowing for another set of water works of happiness to cascade down the girl's plum cheeks.

"Thank you...thank you."
(Y/n) repeatedly bowed hugging Ritsu afterwards due to pure glee and gratitude allowing for Ritsu to finally lose his cool and burst into a blushing mess, but the girl was too preoccupied to notice the boy's sudden flaw.

"N-no problem...it was my duty to help out my fellow classmates."
Ritsu regained composure last second repeatedly patting (Y/n)'s soft (h/c) hair whilst looking away in hopes for him not to make such a blunder again.

"Thank you so much."
(Y/n) ended whilst breaking her hug from the ravenette leaving Ritsu missing the fleeting feeling of (Y/n)'s warm embrace.

Silence once again ingulfed the two but this time it was a comfortable silence with (Y/n) tracing the obvious details of her pendant with her scratched up fingers but the girl didn't mind one bit....

She had her pendant back.

Ritsu finally took notice of the girl's wounds allowing himself to worry some more and scramble to find his personal first aid kit.

"You're wounded!"
(Y/n) looked at the boy questioningly until the girl's beautiful (e/c) orbs finally traced down the tingling sensation of warm liquid dripping down her hands only to realise;

Oh.....I'm bleeding.

Before the (h/c)-ette knew it her vision was interrupted by a flash of soft white color and a soft sensation on her flawed skin.

"Sorry this might hurt a bit."
Ritsu warned dropping a bit of ointment on the cloth before gently tapping the girl's wound after cleaning it.

Ritsu was treating her wound.

Ritsu is very kind.

Ritsu is caring.

I like Ritsu.

These were the thoughts that flooded the (h/c)-ette's mind but of course she meant the last one as a platonic kind of like.

She is still reserved for her promised one after all.

"Done. Is it comfortable?"
Ritsu asked still holding the girl's hand with a senciere look of worry on his face hoping he didn't hurt the girl more than she hurt herself.

"Ah--yes it is, thank you very much Ritsu, I don't know how I can repay you for all you have done."
(Y/n) thanked once more still feeling a heavy debt of gratitude towards the kind ravenette.

"You don't have to repay me, I was just doing my job."
Ritsu reassured whilst standing up straight and acting like a student council member once more.

The girl looked at him suprised for a singular second before bursting into a calm fit of laughter allowing for the ravenette to blush once more.

"W-what are you laughing at..?"
Ritsu asked trying to look like as-if he didn't know what the girl was laughing at.

"Sorry,sorry...you really do act in character no matter what situation you are in, huh?"
(Y/n) wheezed after wiping away a stray tear using her bandaged up hand.

"Ah-of course! We're still in school grounds so I mu---"


A new voice entered the scene pulling the two teenagers out of their tiny personal happy zone.

The voice stood a good distance between tbe two with the trees rustling and the school lighting illuminating the tree as the thirdwheel looked at them questioningly.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?"


The voice paused and pinted towards the ravenette looking like as if he was a lion who found it's rival.

"What are you doing with him?"

 Twilight  [ Kageyama Ritsu × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now