[1] - мy realιтy

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[(Y/n) P.O.V|13 Years Old]

"I cant remember his face or his name,"

"All I remember is our promise..."

"Hey beautiful,going somwhere?"
I look up from my book to see a blonde male with ocean blue eyes....
Hanazawa Teruki.
I glared unintrested and returned my gaze to my book completely ignoring his existence.

"Hey baby,that's cold..."


"Hey,come on (n/n)~ Dont just ignore me...~"

I felt a surge of annoyance when Hanazawa called me (n/n)...
Only 'HE' can call me (n/n) and him only.
I clench my silver necklace given by my childhood friend as I closed the book I was previously reading and walked away to a it's designated shelf.

"Oh come on (Y/n) I was just playing~"

Hanazawa leaned his palm on one of the shelves blocking my way out on my right side but didnt I mind since my left and back exit was free.
I placed the book back on it's designated place and walked around Hanzawa to avoid him making him 'tsk' in annoyance,I was amused that I managed to tick him off but my outer self remained cold and aloof.

"Hey (Y/n),you're really testing my patience..."

I remained silent still walking away and finally reached the halls as I proceeded inside my classroom with Hanazawa trailing behind me begging for at least a day to spend with him.

"Come on (Y/n)!! I rarely ask girls to date me!!"

'Are you sure about that?'

I sat down on my assigned chair and started to gently rub my temples with my eyes closed until I felt a sudden touch on my shoulders,it was.....massaging me?

I turned around to see Hanazawa with a cheeky smile whilst rubbing my shoulders making me stand up in pure disgust.

"Hey,hey...calm down bae it's just a little treatment from yours truly~"

Hanazawa said winking with both of his arms spread out calmly on either of his sides.

'I dont want you near me...'
I thought inside of my head and my eyes glared daggers at the blonde male.

"Come on...cant I just treat a girl right?"
I see Hanazawa making his way towards me sending chills down my spine,I was usually calm and collected when he did these things but something...about that touch from earlier made me.....scared?

I thought for a while until it finally struck me.

An Esper.

I thought to myself making me shut out reality and focus on my thoughts completely ignoring Hanazawa closing the gap between us with his hand reaching to me.

The sudden action alarmed me as I swiftly slapped his hand away adrenaline pumping my veins.

I then again glared at Hanazawa and decided to speak up for once but was cut off when a certain girl enters the scene.

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