[12] - gσиє

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"Kagyama and (L/n), where have you two been?!"
The gym teacher scolded as soon as he saw the duo but in-fact he was just worried about the two students whereabouts.

"Sorry sensei we had to claim (L/n)'s gym clothing from the faculty, we were in a rush we forgot to inform you."
Ritsu defended standing straight as always to assert his dominance whilst the (h/c)-ette stood silently behind Ritsu.

"Oh is that so? Next time tell me okay?"
The teacher's eyes soften knowing both teens weren't doing something naughty while they were away.

"Alright, please gather with the class so we can start gym."
The teacher informed earning two nods from the two students as they proceeded with the rest of the class,

But of course....not without being bombarded with questions from their curious classmates.
The girls started to crowd (Y/n), while the boys did the same to Ritsu.

"Where were you guys?!"

"What did you do with Kageyama~~?"

"Are you pregnant??"

"Are both of you dating?"

The questions went on and on making the (h/c)-ette's head spin from the lack of answers between questions and Ritsu isn't doing as good as well.

"Come on man, you have to tell us your secret!!"

"The girls are already head-over-heels for you, why you gotta take (L/n) too?!"

"Dude you have to share, this isn't fair!"

"What were you guys even doing together?!"

The students interrogation was
cut-short when class met the gym teacher's ear peircing whistle caused by the gym teacher himself.

"Alright that's enough! Now go to your respective places so we may start gym."
The teacher commanded followed by the students following in unison stopping on their assigned places.

After approximately 3 minutes the students settled down in their respective places either ready to listen to their adviser or simply to just talk with one another when the teacher isn't looking.

(Y/n) on the other hand, focused her attention on a butterfly randomly settling itself down on a stray flower on the track feild.

The (h/c)-ette was too preoccupied in her own world, she didn't notice the same ravenette from earlier repeatedly waving his hand infront of her.

"(Y/n)? You okay?"
Ritsu finally spoke up snapping (Y/n) back to reality as she stared at Ritsu for a mere moment before waving her hand dismissively.

"Ah....I'm okay...what is it?"
(Y/n) tucked a stray (h/c) strand on the back of her ear unintentionally making Ritsu's heart skip a beat from the cute action.

"Uh--let's partner up."
Ritsu scratched the nape of his neck in a pathetic attempt to relieve him from his fast heart rate.

(Y/n) was cut off when a lock of bright orange hair came into view that belonged to none other than Mamori Masu.

"H-hey (L-L/n)!!"
Masu pressed both her index fingers together whilst blushing brightly at the girl obviously giving off the shy aura.

"Ah...hello Masu."
Masu fangirled inwardly knowing that (Y/n) still remembers her as she silently squealed and made direct eye contact with (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

"C-can we p-pair up--"
Masu was also cut off when a broad chest came across her vision blocking the fangirl from (Y/n).

Masu was displeased of the action when she looked up at the perpretraitor to find the ravenette she interrupted not long ago.

"Im sorry Masu, but (Y/n) is already going to pair up with me."
Ritsu made his statement clear looking down on the smaller female.

Masu changed her demeanor as she questioned the ravenette tauntingly crissing her arms in the process to show that she isn't interested.

"Did she agree?" Masu smirked

"She was about to, when you interrupted."
Ritsu lowered his eyelids in attempt to make himself look more intimidating allowing a dark aura surround him.

"Oh...so she didn't say yes."
A visible scowl present on both of the teens face emitting a murderous aura along with a visible electric current in-between both of their glares.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) was currently resuming her previous activity;
Butterfly watching.

The butterfly managed to land on
(Y/n)'s nose making the (h/c)-ette softly yet cutely sneeze in the process earning everyone's attention.

"Excuse me."
(Y/n) politely apologized whilst standing up from her crouched position with the whole class just stared at her profile with an
awe-gapped expression.

In the middle of (Y/n)'s butterfly sent sneeze, Ritsu and Masu managed to stop fighting and turn away from each other with Ritsu as the victor in the end.

Ritsu called snapping (Y/n) back to reality once more.

"Oh, are you done with your chat?"
(Y/n) wasn't really the type to eavesdrop on someone's conversation so (Y/n) most probably didn't hear her two classmates bickering about her earlier.

"Ahh.....yeah, let's start?"

"Start what?"



"You really are flexible, (Y/n)."
Ritsu complimented whilst pushing the (h/c) girl in order to touch her toes but (Y/n) went further resulting for the girl's chest to touch a part of the ground.

"I stretch at times."
(Y/n) half-lied, it's true that she stretches but her flexibility was thanks to her father's rough training back then.

"You must stretch a lot."
Ritsu stated only earning a nod from the girl as the duo resumed their final excercise for the day.

In that short span of time, (Y/n) and Ritsu became closer due to the small talks they made about their daily lives, hobbies, likes, and dislikes.
(Y/n) seems to be comfortable around Ritsu and the same goes for the ravenette.

"I'll see you in class (Y/n)."
Ritsu bid goodbue due to them parting ways inorder to change into their uniforms as (Y/n) returned with a wave and a smile.

(Y/n) and the rest of the girl's took a quick bath to rid themselves of the sweat they accumulated from gym class.

The girl's chatter echoed through the quiet space of the enclosed room exclusive for girls.
(Y/n) couldn't really relate to her female acquaintances so she decided to leave early.

The (h/c)-ette adjusted her skirt at a proper and more comfortable angle before checking on her outer appearance to make sure she didn't look like a mess.

Once done, (Y/n) went outside and clenched her chest where her pendant should be, only to realise....

"It's not there!!"

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