[11] - тeacнer

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After the short scene of the Student Council, classes went by swimmingly and was now time for Gym Class.

"(L----(Y/n), do you already have your gym uniform?"
Ritsu kindly asked the (h/c) girl who just stood up from her desk not knowing what's going on.

"Gym Uniform? Wait---Gym?"
(Y/n) scrunched her eyebrows a bit not getting it, apparantly, there were no gym classes in Black Vingear Middleschool.

"Im guessing you haven't...."
Ritsu sweatdropped at the questioning girl as he decided to take responsibility and took the initiative to lead (Y/n) to the faculty.

"Our homeroom teacher probably has your uniform, come, I'll take you there."
Ritsu walked away with the aloof girl not making any contact nor even a simple conversation.

Both teens reached the hallway and the tension between the two was already awakward, but Ritsu decided to man up and ask a certain question.

"(Y/n), do you---"

"Oh hey, Ritsu and (Y/n)! What are you doing here?"
Ritsu was cut off when a certain petite boy who happens to be Shigeo entered the scene greeted the two.

"Oh, its you nii-san..."
Ritsu trailed off a bit displeased at the boy's sudden appearance.

"Ah, nice to see you again Shige!"
The girl once again had a change of demeanor covering her eyes with a bit more sparkles than it originally holds.

"Nii-san We were about to go to to the faculty, if you'll excuse us, we're running late if we keep stalling."
Ritsu cut their conversation short grabbing the (h/c) haired female by her smaller hand quickly bidding Shigeo goodbye.

Shigeo lowered his hand gazing at the two with his usual stoic face.



"Excuse us..."
Ritsu opened the faculty door greeting the teachers present and to their luck, their homeroom teacher was there.

"Oh Ritsu! What brings you here?"
The 30-year old female asked looking up from her work desk inorder to face the young ravenette.

"Im sorry for the trouble, but (L/n)'s gym uniform wasn't distributed to her."
The teacher's eyes widen in realisation slapping her forehead in pure shame.

"I knew it! I was forgetting something!!"
The teen's teacher quickly stood up and pulled out a plastic bag containing a uniform labled with
(Y/n)'s family name whilst gently handing it to the girl.

"Sorry for making both of you come all the way here.."
The teacher apologized nervously laughing at the same time.

"It's no problem, we'll be taking our leave now."

"Thank you sensei."

Both students bowed in unison as the two escorted themselves until the same teacher called out for Ritsu's attention.

Ritsu signalled for (Y/n) to head out without him as the girl nodded and closed the faculty door allowing for Ritsu to come closer to his teacher once more.

"What is it sensei?"

"I ship you with (Y/n)."

Ritsu blushed 50 shades of red as he started to stutter losing his composure.

"I was right! You do like (Y/n)!!"
The homeroom teacher cheered standing up from her seat but this was normal for most of her colleagues.

"H-how d-did you--"
Ritsu was once again cut off with his teacher silencing him.

"Oh sweetie~ I've seen how you look at her, and it's the same look you give that black pendant of yours! It's love!"
The teacher squealed as Ritsu's eyes widen.

"You know about my pendant?"
Ritsu asked with his pupils as round as plate allowing for his teacher's smirk to grow wider.

"Oh sweetie, I know more than that."
The teacher's voice deepen placing an unknown kind of fear deep inside Ritsu's heart.

Ritsu gulped down the siliva that filled his throat with a tiny bead of sweat trickling down his cheeks.

"And it also seems that (Y/n) holds the same one, right?"
The teacher whispered into Ritsu's ear, eyes glowing a lighter shade triggering a menacing aura within.

"Oh well, better head out now or you'll be late!"
The teacher regained her childish demeanor as she lightly shoved the ravenette out the faculty.

"Oh! And remember........"

"The stars above you will be your guide to each others arms, and your faith together will always be intertwined."

Ritsu lightly gasped at that sentence.
It was the same sentence he promised his beloved.....7 years ago.

Ritsu's confusion turned to anger, it was as-if she was playing with him, and his promise.
Ritsu knew he shouldn't talk back to an adult but his sentimentality was enough for him to think otherwise.

'How dare she casually talk about her?'

'Does she know her?

'What is she hiding?'

'Who is she hiding?"

'Who is she?'

The 30-year old woman doesn't know how much that sentence and that promise meant to the ravenette.....

....Or did she?

"Well, bye!!"
The teacher slam the door shut leaving Ritsu with his thoughts but calmed down and decided to set this situation aside when he saw a mop of
(h/c) hair.

"(Y-Y/n)? What are you still doing here?"
The (h/c)-ette stopped resting her back on the wall and started to dust off the imaginary dust off her sleeves.

"Well....you accompanied me this far, so it would be rude if I just left you."
(Y/n) stated in a matter-of-a-fact tone inching closer to the boy.

"A-ah....I see...."
The boy muttered walking ahead of the (h/c)-ette allowing for the girl to trail behind him.

"Come on, we're running late for gym class."
Ritsu regained composure coughing at his latest statement earning a faint nod from the (h/c)-ette as the duo finally walked back to gym class inorder to explain their absence for the mere moment.

Unbeknowist to the two teenagers was a pair of bright chestnut eyes that glowed under the protection of a shadow gazing at them with pure fondness.

"I guess my time here in Japan won't be so boring after

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