[15] - hєlp

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"Is she still not picking up?!!"
K questioned and yelled at all the guards to search some more.

"I-I ca-can't get a hold of her phone.....it keeps saying the number is busy....."
Shigeo stuttered repeatedly tapping the call button on his phone but it would instantly give him the dreaded beeping sound of his declined call.

"Now, now let's all stay calm and rati-"
Reigen was cut off when K's fist came in close contact with his face forcing the brunette's fist to hit the wall behind Reigen creating a tiny crater and small cracks on it.

"Dont talk about calming down. This is Young miss we're talking about."
K growled as Reigen remained stoic though deep inside he was internally screaming for help, but the middle-aged man knew that it wouldn't be the right time to show his insecurities, especially to Shigeo.

"I know you're worried, and so am I, but we can't deal with this situation if we don't think of a logical conclusion."
Reigen said sounding smart allowing for the grown brunette to lower her undamaged fist from the cracked wall and take deep breaths in order to calm down.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?"
K asked sounding a bit like her old self gazing at the man who has exactly the same height as the female with heels.

Reigen smirked putting on his business smile and shoved both of his hands in his pockets looking and sounding confident.

Reigen called earning a questioning yet stern gaze from the brunette before a green like balloon with red spots on it's cheeks appeared out of nowhere.

"Huh?! What is it?"
The green creature-like-spirit questioned sounding displeased but softened when he saw the ginger man's serious façade.

"Dimple, are you free?"
Reigen asked whilst pointing at the smaller creature using one finger with his palm facing up and his left hand still buried deep in his baggy pants.

"Hmp! What can the great, mighty, powerful and dashing--"

"You remember (Y/n), right?"
Reigen cut the creature, so-called Dimple off not wanting to listen to any of his bragging as Dimple just stared at the man dead in the eye and started to get irritated upon hearing the mentioned (h/c)-ette's name.

"Huh?!! Of course I remember that brat, she almost exorcised me!!"
Dimple complained pointing at his head where (Y/n) had grabbed him and half-killing him in the process.

K snapped at the sudden name-calling  Dimple made allowing for the green floating spirit to look at K with questions written all over his face.

"Who's this old lady?"
Dimple said not showing any emotion lighting a fuse deep inside K as dark aura began to surround the brunette.

"Old lady?!! Im like 20!!---"
Reigen held his hand up to the grown woman's face signalling her to pipe down inorder for him to continue on with his negotiation recieving a faint tch from K.

"So you do remember her."
Reigen didn't want to waste time allowing for the grown man to just press the matter further instead of letting the two bicker some more.

"Yeah, so?"
Dimple crossed his arms still not knowing where this conversation is heading.

"We need your help."


"You sense anything, Dimple?"
Reigen called out asking the spirit who happens to borrow one of the guard's body whilst crouching down on one of the residential building nearby.

"I can sense something, but there are two of them."
Dimple stated jumping down the building, not caring if he damaged the borrowed body as he stood up as-if he had done this many times before.

Shigeo said in concern.

"There are hundreds of ESPers in this city, and you only sense two?"
K retorted crossing her arms not buying Dimple's judgement.

"Yeah there are other ESPers, but your so called 'Young Miss' has a unique and strong aura I never met before... but for some reason........there's two of them."
Dimple concluded stroking his borrowed body's chin.

The four individuals stood still for a moment when Reigen broke the silence with his voice.

"Well, we have a lead! Might as well follow it."
Reigen beamed gesturing for Dimple to show the way, of course Shigeo could sense (Y/n) too but if it was an ESPer behind this then it's best if Shigeo keeps a low profile.

Dimple began walking keeping his attention set on the familliar aura standing tall in his place looking a bit intimidating but luckily, it was dead of the night so not much bystanders were there to witness the shady looking group.

Dimple took one more step but suddenly K was infront of him taking a defensive pose with her right hand spread out wide.

"What are you--"
Dimple was cut off when he noticed 5 mini knives that was stuck on the opposite end of the wall, probably when K had blocked the lethal weapons from hitting Dimple.

"Step back."
K warned in a low monotonous tone allowing the three males to stay on guard as a silhouette of a tall man with glasses and a scar on his left cheek appeared right before their eyes.

"Swift as always, huh K?"
The man with a left scar went out of the shadows holding his katana in his dominant hand whilst adjusting his glasses to a more comfortable position.

"Yeah unlike you, big brother."
K spat filled with hate admitting that the man before her is a relative of hers.

"I heard young mistress is missing, are you slacking on the job...K?"
The scarred man taunted laughing inwardly at his only sister earning an obvious scowl from the dominant brunette.

"You have no right in conduct to judge my professionalism, Big brother Sakurai."
K hissed adding distaste at the mere mention of her sibling's name whilst taking one of the previously thrown knives and pointing it at her brother.

The older male did nothing but silently laugh at his sister's dominant but cute demeanor as he raised both hands in the air signing that he submits himself for now.

"Now,now...I'm not here to fight you."
K tched and lowered her brother's weapon before tossing it back to him wich the older brunette caught with no problems whatsoever.

"State you purpose."
Despite having tossed the previous knife, K pulled out her own gun that was previously used on Reigen and pointed it towards her brother.

Sakurai smirked before giving his little sister another serious demeanor signifying the crucial matter at hand.

"Im here to help."

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