[22] - níghtmαrє

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"Well, see ya!!"
Before the ravenette could manage to utter a word Sho disappeared along with the sleeping (h/c)-ette in his arms.

The starry heavens twinkled upon the ravenette's head, his hair carelessly swaying back and forth caused by the cold evening wind.

"A fiancè huh....."


"Ritsu! Where have you been? You've been gone for so long!"
Shigeo hugged his brother and checked for any signs of bruises just in case his beloved brother had a
run-in on any type of trouble.

"Sorry nii-san, I had to help out (Y/n) with something."
Ritsu reassured and smiled at his brother's worried attitude very thankful of the fact that he was his brother.

"Really? Did something bad happened?"
Shigeo asked a bit more worried than he was before.

"Well I wouldn't count it as good or bad...more like neutral."
Ritsu stated between sighs rubbing his temples in the process, not sure how to deal with his current situation with (Y/n).

Shigeo noticed his brother's change in attitude allowing himself to give off a warm and radiant smile and pat his brother on the shoulders.

"Come on dinner is ready, let's eat!"
Shigeo beamed easing Ritsu's nerves as the ravenette nodded in return whilst following his brother in persuit.

He truly is grateful to have a brother like Shigeo.....



"Goodnight Ritsu."

"Goodnight nii-san."

The kageyama brothers bid each other their good nights allowing Shigeo to turn Ritsu's bedroom light off and walk towards his own room expecting his brother to be asleep minutes later.

The ravenette stayed awake carresing a dark charm between his fingertips with his raven orbs holding a look of dread and dispair.

"I thought things would be different if I saw you again."

The ravenette sighed and rolled to lay on his back whilst lifting the dark feline pendant up for him to have a clear view.

"But here you are.....with another."

Ritsu sighed once more and allowed his hand to rest on his chest along with the pendant clenched within his fist.

"Tomorrow. I'll tell you how I feel."


Today was the day Ritsu vowed to confess his feelings and his identity.

Though it may not seem obvious, the ravenette himself was very nervous about his future confession.

He had alot of insecurities about his plans, but something had to be done.

He was going to lose (Y/n) to Sho.
That's why he refused to let the girl slide from his fingertips again.

Even if the world was againts him.

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