[5] - мaѕтer

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"She looks so cool!"

"I would marry her right now
if I could."

"A beauty like her is a blessing to this school."

"She looks so diligent in all of her works!!"

"I heard she got straight As in her last school!"

"Not only that,but she's really athletic!!"

"As expected from our (L/n)!!"

A crowd was currently forming at class 1 - 2's door with majority of the students checking the new girl out and a few just wanting to bask in
(Y/n)'s glory.

(Y/n) remained seated on her desk while reading an astronomical book in hand.
Reading each line with her full attention,(Y/n) flipped to the next page once she was done with the final paragraph.

The students let out a suprised gasp at her flawless movement as everyone began to fangirl/boy even more.

"Go back to your respective rooms! Classes are starting!!"

The teacher,who had been there for a few minutes,yelled at the loitering students and now has a visible tick mark on his cheek.

The students scattered and speed walked towards their classrooms with a few giving the teacher a nasty glare.

"*sigh* kids..."

The teacher looked over to the subject of the previous disruption still reading her book whilst jotting down notes written on the board from time to time.

"She's so famous and she doesn't even realise it...."

The teacher once again sighed and and continued on with his lecture.


"Class dismissed."

With no time to waste (Y/n) grabbed the strap of her book bag and calmly walked outside the classroom before anyone could exit besides her.

(Y/n) walked in a slow calm pace and took time to admire the sight of the grassy field the school provided.

With a satisfied sigh (Y/n) looked forward and started to pace forward the halls of her new school.

(Y/n) finally made it out of school and trecked to the direction of her house and of course, (Y/n) took the long way just to admire the melancholic vibe the sky gave off.

The girl's cycle was repetetive until when a certain building peaked her interest.

'Spirits and Such Consultation office...'

(Y/n) read in her mind as she stood there unmoving in front of the small business building.

Hesitantly, (Y/n) walked inside in hopes to seek advice from an older psychic and if possible, gain psychic experience from someone more experienced.

(Y/n) reached the office and made sure she was in the right one.
Once the (h/c)-ette was certain of her destination she knocked on the door to reveal a ginger man in a business suit with a pink tie.

"Spirits and Such Consultation Office,
Please come in valued customer!!"

The tall ginger man gestured for (Y/n) to come in with the young girl obediently following.

"So, how may I help you this fine day?....Let me guess.......Is a spirit haunting you?"
Ginger man asked as if he was 100% sure that, that was (Y/n)'s problem whilst showing off his toothy smile with his eyes closed.

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