[4] - вιggeѕт ғan

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The sound of the afternoon bell chimed signalling all students and teachers that it was time for lunch break.

But no one in (Y/n)'s class planned to have their lunches yet, instead they all raced to (Y/n) asking her questions such as her hobbies or any information she could share.

"Wow you're so cute~!"

"Wanna have lunch together~?"

"Which school were you from?"

"What club are you planning to join this year~?"

"Want me to give you a tour?"

(Y/n) was still processing the situation, not understanding why her classmates were so eager to know more about her as one question managed to stay in (Y/n)'s mind...

'Who are you people?"

(Y/n) was kinda weirded out from her classmates blind kindness and decided to escape the situation.

"Excuse me...but may I be excused?"
(Y/n) asked whilst softly scratching her right cheek to comfort herself from her nervous statement.

'So Modest!!'

"Of course! Sorry we're bothering you, come on guys~!"
One girl from the sea of classmates cheerfully said while dragging as much students as she can away from (Y/n).

"Thank you."
(Y/n) bowed and proceeded outside with her book bag.

And of course, (Y/n)'s classmates were too intrigued to know more about her so they decided to 'watch over' (Y/n) just in case she needs help.
A few agreed to the decision while the other few decided to sit this one out to respect (Y/n)'s privacy.


(Y/n) was now walking down the halls and it seems like she already knows the way and was oblivious of the group of students trailing behind her.

"Where do you think (L/n) is going?"

"Beats me. Aint that the point on why were stalking her right now?"

"Were not stalking!
Were just merely watching over her just in case she runs into any trouble!"

"Yes! Yes! That's right!"

The students were to preoccupied with each other to realise that (Y/n) was no longer in their lign of sight.

"What?! Where is she?"

"We lost her!!"

The group looked at all direction possible but to no avail they didnt find (Y/n).

"*sigh* guess we'll ju-"

one member screamed pointing at a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair with her back facing them walking towards the.......Telepathy Club?

The group quickly hid themselves when their target aka (Y/n) looked behind her from the sudden shout but quickly shrugged it off and went back to walking.

"What do you think she's gonna do there?"

"Sign up for Telepathy?"

"I doubt it, their club is so shady and weird..."

The students came closer to see what (Y/n)'s business there was.
(Y/n) lifted her arm to knock on the door but was interrupted when a towering figure came into view.

(Y/n) looked so frail with 5 towering members looking directly at her soul.


The group quickly rushed to (Y/n) side and made a protective pose to cover (Y/n) from the towering figures.

"Uh....(Y/n) do you know them?"
One of the tall figures asked making the whole group raise an eye brow from the sudden closeness.

"What do you mean, know them?
We are her classmates and were here to protect her from you!! And who gave you privilages to use her first name?"

The tall men and (Y/n) where dumbfounded so the leader decided to speak up.

"*ahem* this is kinda awkward...but hey,why dont start over again?
My name is Musashi Goda, the president of the Body Building Club! I am an aquaintance of (Y/n), you?"
Goda who was being genuinely nice put his hand out for anyone to shake and was taken by a girl who led the group on this mission

"My name is Mamori Masu of class 1-2, I am (L/n)'s classmate."
[!Mamori is an oc and is not a real character from the anime!]

"Nice to meet you Masu! Would you like to join us for lunch?"

Goda kindly offered but Masu quickly though politely turned him down.

"Oh that's okay! Come on (Y/n),Let's have lunch!"
Goda called making Masu and her gang question in shock.


Masu basically screamed at (Y/n) but quickly shrugged it off.

"Well,yes I am...they are the only acquaintances I have in school..."
(Y/n) avoided eye contact embarassed at the fact that she did not have many friends as she fidgeted with the strap of her book bag.

Masu declared and was followed by her fellow classmates excluding (Y/n).

"Great! The more the merrier!"


"Wow (Y/n)! You're lunch looks so good~!!"
Masu,who was trying her best to befriend (Y/n),complimented everything she owns and does.
They were currently on the school rooftop having their lunch with the others.

"A-ah...thank you...would you like some?"
(Y/n) who had a tint of pink on her cheeks asked holding out a peice of meat with her chopsticks.

"You sure?!"

"Y-yeah...it's alot anyways..."

Masu inched closer to (Y/n)'s chopstick and ate the peice of meat...and let's just say she enjoyed very much....well- too much.

Masu was now reciting Bible verses and she had a heavenly background with the wind swaying her hair making it look like she reached Nirvana.

"May the lord our God take me~"
Masu's gang was kneeling on the floor and praying for their classmate as the Body Building Club and (Y/n) just sat there observing the scene before them.

"W-well it was nice meeting you all again but I have to get going."
(Y/n) stood up and dusted off excess crumbs on her skirt.

"Okay see ya around (Y/n)!"
The club waved goodbye to (Y/n) as the young (h/c) girl nodded in return and proceeded to her classroom before the afternoon bell signals the students to return to class.

"Wait where's (L/n)?"
Masu asked missing (Y/n)'s presence

"She left just now."
One club member named Jun Sagawa replied to Masu...well- Masu's dust particles.
Masu had ran after (Y/n) not wanting to miss the chance to walk with her.

"Is she always like that?"
Goda curiously asked as the others nodded.

All of them were snapped back from
their thoughts when the rooftop's door suddenly opened revealing a petite boy with a bowl hair cut.

"Oh Kageyama! What took you so long?"

"Oh well I had to stay and take a few assignments..."

"I see...come on,have lunch with us!"

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