[13] - sєαrch

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"It's not there!!"

(Y/n) scrambled about patting her pockets and even her chest repeatedly just in case if she missed it by any chance.

The (h/c)-ette's eyes filled with horror and worry of the loss of her silver pendant as she scanned everywhere not worrying if she comes home late or not.

"(L/n)? What's wrong?"
One of (Y/n)'s classmates who will remain unnamed curiously asked worry lacing her tone only to be faced with the (h/c)-ette's worried yet scared face.

"I-I lost something."
(Y/n) tried to keep her cool but was failing miserably knowing her expression seemed so dark.

"What did you lose?"
Another one of (Y/n)'s unnamed classmates piped in recieving the girl's dark gaze.

"I lost..."
(Y/n) thought twice knowing she shouldn't just tell anyone about the promise, it was exclusive for them and only them.

"...something important.."
(Y/n) trailed off not knowing what to say as she dismissively and straightened herself out.

"I-I have to go."
With that, (Y/n) left in a flash running away from the girl's questioning gazes and finally disappearing from sight.

Despite running away from her classmate's worried demeanor (Y/n) still wasn't relieved due to the fact that her pendant was lost.

The girl was too focused remembering the last time where she placed it, she forgot to inform anyone about her future absence.


"Where is it? Where is it?!"
(Y/n) mumbled already losing hope as she ignored the overflowing tears escaping her glossy (e/c) orbs and kept searching the long grassy blades that stopped anyone's wandering orbs from taking a peek at the dirty soil's contents.

It has been hours eversince (Y/n) started searching and it was already sunset signalling the end of the day.
But (Y/n) didn't care, if she didn't find her pendant soon then everything will be rendered useless.

The (h/c)-ette's phone had been buzzing the last 2 hours but the worried (h/c) girl didn't bother picking it up knowing it would waste another second from finding her pendant.

Tired and injured (Y/n) let her warm tears fall on her injured and scratched up hand due to the thin blades of the grass.

"Where.....WHERE IS IT?!!"


[Meanwhile....at Spirit and Such Consultaion Office...]

"You did a great job today, Mob."
Reigen complimented stashing all his earned profit from a long day of hard work.

Shigeo thanked the older male as he looked down as if something was bothering him, and of course the older male soon noticed.

"What's wrong?"
Reigen asks out of the blue earning Shigeo's full yet quarter attention.

"Its (Y/n)....she's not by the school gates where she'd usually be."
Shigeo admitted worry evident in his tone as Reigen made an oh expression signalling his realisation.

"Dont worry Fu is probably just busy, you do know about her family right?"
Shigeo nodded whilst Reigen stated in a matter-of-a fact tone and proceeded to make himself comfy on his own office chair rethinking about the time when (Y/n) first got her nickname from him.

____________[ Flashback ]_____________

"Since I call Mob; Mob, it's probably time to give you a nickname too."

Reigen pointed at his second apprentice who was quietly sitting on her chair.

(Y/n) curiously asked once more with eyes like a puppy who met a rubber ball for the very first time.
Reigen thought long and hard when the perfect name finally strook him.

"From now on..."
Reigen ignored his second apprentice's queation as he made a dramatic pose with a matching spotlight to make things a bit more dramatic.

"You'll be dubbed as Fu!!"

[ Fu "負"  = Negative]

Of course Reigen was joking, but he thought otherwise when he saw his apprentice's genuine priceless expression.

"Fu..my first nickname from Shishou..."
(Y/n) mumbled to herself as she made a face of determination and happiness.

"Mm! I'll work harder Shishou!!
Thank you for the wonderful nickname!!"

__________[ Flashback End ]__________

"Now that I think about it....it is kinda weird since I didn't recieve any calls or texts about her absence..."
Reigen stated carressing his chin between his thumb and index finger.

"Do you think something bad happened Shishou?"
Shigeo, still not relieved from the situation, asked in attempt to make his master decide to look for (Y/n).

And as if Reigen read the petite boy's mind, Reigen stood up frok his desk after adjusting his pink tie.

"Mob, Let's go find Fu--"
Reigen didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence when a gun shot close to Reigen's head was fired scaring him and the petiete boy in the process.

Dozens of men-in-black with guns started to surround Reigen's office building, office, and Reigen himself. All aiming at the poor ginger man.

Shigeo stood still in pure fright until one entity caught his attention, it was the infamous K with her rare
resting-bitch face that could kill anyone within a second after marching towards her master's teacher's desk.

"Oh it's just you miss secretar--"
Reigen was once again cut off when K fired a gun shot almost hitting Reigen's head but managed to cut a few of his soft ginger hair.

Reigen snapped in pure fright as he held the part of his hair where a few of it was cut.

"Where is she."
K asked with venom lacing her deep voice not moving her finger away from the trigger.

Reigen asked not getting what the dark brunette meant as K gritted her teeth in frustration making the highly developed female stick her pistol on Reigen's forehead.

"I said...WHERE IS SHE?!"
Reigen flinched from the woman's blind rage as he coughed and put on his face he uses when dealing with a difficult client.

"If your talking about (Y/n), I haven't seen her either."
K's eyes widen as she put her gun down in defeat and made simple hand signal that gestured all the men in black to lower their weapons.

K trusted Reigen's judgment so she bit her bottom lip and clenched her fist allowing for them to turn white.
Reigen was also worried for his apprentice but of course he had to keep his cool in order to make things easier.

This was no time to be bickering, a lot of powerful men and women are targetting (Y/n) for ransom and it would be bad if (F/n) found out his youngest daughter was in trouble.

"Let's form a search party."

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