[6] - geттιng тo ĸnow yoυ

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The petite boy screamed internally profusely blushing at the fact that he gets to to work with a girl...(Y/n) out of all of them!

The school's mystery idol who was deemed to be an introverted being, was working with someone like him!

"N-nice t-to meet y-you (L-L/n)-san,
m-my na-name ia Kageyama
Shigeo managed to croak out stuttering, internally scolding himself for being so frail infront of a girl.

"Nice to meet you Kageyama, although I have already heard of you from Goda Musashi."
(Y/n) blandly and bluntly stated as if the stuttering boy did not take a toll on her at all.

"C-captain? He talks about me?"

"Quite oftenly, yes"

Shigeo was about to engage into a proper conversation with (Y/n) when all of a sudden Reigen cuts the two teenager's conversation short by.....unnaturaly shoving both teenager into a group-like hug.

"You know each other? Perfect!
That means you can work comfortably with each other!!"

Reigen brought the two teenagers closer to his torso making one profusely blush and one keep her dense demeanor as if this was nothing out of the ordinary.

Reigen noticed the differences between the two as his mature mind directly pin pointed the lurking discomfort radiating from his first apprentice making the older male let go.

'I guess they dont know each other that much...'

Reigen thought with a sigh and looked at his apprentices once more until his mind lingered with a brilliant idea.

"Why dont both of you spend a day with each other as co-workers! Think of it as a date between 2 friends."

An awkward silence sat between the three for a while giving Reigen two different reactions after the given time.


"A d-date??!!"

The two asked in unison making the grown male smirk out of pure amusment.

"YUP, Since tomorrow's a Saturday both of you can have a time off and spend your Saturdays with each other!"

Mob didnt seem to have plans but was reluctant to accept his master as for (Y/n), she remained stoic and dense but there was a cute little curious expression on her face.

"What's a date?"

Reigen spat his tea on the sidelines after hearing his second apprentice's question.

"You dont know what a date is?"

(Y/n) felt pathetic for not knowing what it meant but she was still human she can make mistakes....

.....Well for others I guess...


Slow as ever, We wont stop training until you master it!!

Stop crying, it's pathetic.

If you want to be a proper heir of my power then there is no room for mistake!

You can't show them what you feel!
That's a sheer sign of weakness!!

(Y/n) shook her head of her father's memories and directed her attention towards her newfound mentor.

"Well a date is the process when two individuals spend time together in order to get to know each other!!"

Reigen cheered earning a muffled oh from (Y/n) but only earned a blushing look from Shigeo.

"Both of you should go home now! Remember, tomorrow the two of you will have a date!! That's an order!"

Reigen ushered the two out of his office leaving (Y/n) and Mob giving each other side looks due to Reigen's odd behaviour.

"Shishou seems......energetic?"

"He seems nice..."

Shigeo gave (Y/n) a shy look as he finally mustered up the courage to talk once more.

"W-why do-dont I w-walk yo-you home?"
Shigeo stuttered pointing at the direction of the exit as (Y/n) nodded in reply once more.

The two teenagers left the entrance of their master's office unbeknowist of them was Reigen eavesdropping on their recent conversation.

'Geez Mob really needs a girlfriend..'

Reigen sighed and walked back to his desk proceeding to work on his new website.


"S-so (L-L/n) wh-why did y-you think o-of joining my m-master's business?"
Shigeo tried to spark a conversation but his low-self esteem was holding him back although, (Y/n) didnt mind.

"I wanted to learn more about psychic abilities and your---excuse me---our master just so happens to be the greatest psychic of the 20th century."
(Y/n) said not sparing Shigeo a single glance.

"O-oh I see..."

(Y/n) looked at Shigeo's defeated look without turning her head sideways.
That look in his face makes her feel guilty yet nostalgic, He looked familiar

His dark colored hair,

Petite build,

And devoided yet, gentle eyes.

It was all too familliar.

It reminded (Y/n) of a certain someone...that someone was....

The boy she promised 7 years ago.

(Y/n) was not the only one to recognise the other ones familiarity,
Shigeo thought so too.

Her (h/l) (h/c) hair,

Her alluring (e/c) eyes,

And her rather same expression from the girl he met 7 years ago.

And both assumptions were not wrong.

"We've met each other before."

(Y/n) and Shigeo admitted in the same time inside their little zone called their minds.

Even though both were certain of the other ones existence none of them had enough courage to clarify the thick boundary between the two.

"This is my stop Kageyama, thank you for walking me home."
Shigeo looked at (Y/n) as if he wanted to talk about something but shrugged that thought off and gave (Y/n) a smile.

"Call me Mob, that's what everyone call me."
Shigeo smiled not having the same stuttering sentences he once had.

"Why Mob?"
(Y/n) asked out of curiosity.

"Ah...well Shishou said I blend in with the crowd easily...so I was dubbed Mob."

(Y/n) looked at him with uncertanity as if she was contimplating about something.

"Well I dont think you blend in with the others..."
(Y/n) turned around and faced the huge gate of her mansion making her back face Shigeo.

"You're pretty unique if you ask me..."
And with that (Y/n) went inside after bidding Shigeo goodbye and left the once stuttering boy gleaming with joy as he smiled at the place (Y/n) once stood.

That's the exact same thing you told me back then...


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