[24] - whαt's ínsídє

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K lightly whispered gazing upon the woman with voloptuous features and raven hair, her lilac eyes traced the familliar carvings of her young apprentice's mansion allowing herself to let the nostalgia take in.

Akatsuki's features were pretty and unique, she had white skin, raven hair and lilac eyes that reflects the perfect mixture of light.

Despite being who knows how old she is, she looked 18 with a solid demeanor and a very, VERY seductive attitude.

"Well I decided to come home for mother's day so I could catch up on topics I've missed out."

Akatsuki stated tucking a strand of  hair behind her hair.
She was a busy woman and it's a suprise that the girl ravenette even took the time to visit them.

"When did you come back?"
(Y/n)'s voice suddenly cut both the females short-lived conversation whilst looking down on the ground not making eye contact with lilac eyes.

"About 46 minutes and 23 seconds ago."
Akatsuki answered in detail thanks to her high wits and photographic memory.

Was all the (h/c)-ette said after her
so-called first master's reply and quickly turned away to aid her ravenette friend.

Akatsuki let out a light sigh, with her slightly sad lilac eyes glued onto the back of the unknowing (h/c)-ette wanting to reach out.

As-if her thoughts were in control, Akatsuki's paper white hand tried to reach out for the young teen but the girl disappeared from sight before any contact could be made.

Akatsuki retracted her arm back to her sides with a dejected look on her face.

Though the whole scene may be seen as another memory, it sure was obvious to the 20-year-old brunette that her ravenette friend was saddened by (Y/n)'s lack of response.

"Hey, why don't we go shopping?"
K gave Akatsuki a light pat on the shoulder as the ravenette female forced her mood to change and gave the brunette a smile.

"Why not?"

Unbeknowist to the two was the girl  with (h/c) hair hiding behind a wall, eyes clouded with thoughts.

(Y/n) slowly walked away to the guest room were her unconcious ravenette friend lies wanting to know what happened to his state of mentality back then


K prolonged wanting to pry something out of the voloptuous woman.

The two visually seductive women had arrived at the mall after sending both teens to school, of course not without Akatsuki 'taking care' of their homeroom teacher for being rude.

Akatsuki cooed acting as-if she does not know what her brunette friend wants.

"Oh come on! I know you are smart!!"
K whined, practically screamed recieving a few questioning stares from bystanders.

"Fine, about 2 months."
Akatsuki gave in placing one hand on her hips and the other hanging in her sides.

"Seriously?! Him or her?!"
K beamed whilst begging her lilac eyes friend to admit the juicy details.

"Him. I think im going to name him, Taiyou."
Akatsuki smiled patting her stomach as K smiled and let out a forced sigh indicating her positive jealousy towards her friend.

"Aww man I want a dog too!"
K whimpered slouching in the process recieving a faint pat from Akatsuki.

"Don't worry if Taiyou gets a mate I'm sure I'll let you adopt one of his puppies."
Akatsuki offered removing the gloomy aura surrounding the brunette replacing it with a happy and cheery one.

"Really?! Thank you so much!! rEEEE"
K clapped hugging the slightly taller female.

The two females walked around some more visiting each shop that caught their eye until the finally took a break on alittle café in located deep within the mall.

"Thank you for taking me shopping on mother's day K, I really appreciate it."
Akatsuki thanked the brunette whilst taking a sip of her newly brewed tea.

"No problem, you needed it anyways since you barely comeback for mother's day!"
K welcomed taking a bite off her cheese cake.

"Speaking of mothers...."
K trailed off then placed her fork on top of her plate allowing herself to set a serious vibe within.

"Aren't you going to spend mother's day with young miss?"
K stated allowing for Akatsuki to pause her every move and even managed yo catch her breathing for a short while.

"I want to...But I can't."
Akatsuki admitted solemnly whilst looking down on her reflection on her half-drunk tea.

"Why not?!"
K asked--no--demanded for an answer wanting to know the reason behind her decision.

"Im just her master. Heck--she even got a new one."
Akatsuki's eyes darken in thought of the ginger conman, but what's worse was knowing (Y/n)'s new master was a fake.

"What do you mean just a master? YOU are HER mother for christ's sake!"
K scolded whilst standing up not giving two shits if people were watching.

She gave the female ravenette a dedicated demeanor earning a shocked look from Akatsuki before turning into a sad yet knowing one.

"Yes I am her mother, but what good of a mother am I?"
Akatsuki slid one of her palms to her cheek allowing for her head to rest on it not taking her eyes off her tea.

K sat down signalling the ravenette to continue which Akatsuki sighed at.

"She used to be so close to me before....but after her psychic powers manifested her father began to take all the time she had away from me."

Akatsuki remembered the times whenever (Y/n) would scream, squirm, rebel and even beg for her father to return her in her mother's grasp, (F/n) wouldn't let her.

Even if Akatsuki tried to negotiate with (F/n) the (h/c) male would threaten the ravenette into hurting her poor innocent daughter.

Given that, Akatsuki couldn't do anything but to helplessly watch from the sidelines and comfort the poor girl after her training.

Akatsuki is a very strong psychic, but so is (F/n).

Akatsuki is very smart, but so is (F/n).

Akatsuki is (Y/n)'s parent, but so is

"Before I knew it, she stopped calling me mom and started to address me using my business name."
Akatsuki sadly confessed wiping a stray tear from the corner of her beautiful lilac eyes.

K didn't do anything but rubbed soothing circles around the woman's back in hopes to help with her emotional feelings.

"No matter what happens, you will always be there for her and you'll always be her mother."
K reassured the ravenette earning a faint nod from her.

"Thanks K, you always know what to say."

"Hehe that's cuz I'm the best!!"
K boasted pointing at herself earning a faint giggle from her young master's mother.

But something inside the ravenette still felt empty.

"I wonder what you will think of me now?"

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