The Marked Barefoot

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(January 11, 2015 Sunday 0200H-0500H)

She heard a sudden rumbling of the ground. She looked around and the atmosphere turned gloomy and everything was surrounded by darkness. Then in a distance, she saw the mountains slowly crumbling to the ground. There were landslides happening everywhere. The mountain shrank gradually and fell flat towards the lowly areas. No more trees can be seen anymore but only barren land and debris. She hardly knew what had happened below those mountains, all she had felt was something terrifying had happened there.

Her feet brought her to an unknown land. People there were in a panic, running, shouting, crying, the environment was filled with fear.  Houses were damaged, and many left with no homes. It's evident that people there suffered from a recent devastating calamity. Despite their losses, people tried hard to gather their remaining strength to continue their own lives, to build a new home, starting afresh, even from little materials remained. Some built small tents next to each other in an area that's safer from calamity. 

Then, she continued on her journey, wherever her feet led her, there she was.  She was on the unknown road and as she's walking in the middle of it, a sudden strange thing happened to her. She felt that there's another spirit entered her physical body. And that Spirit spoke in a loud soothing voice enough to be heard by everyone even to the farthest tallest mountain, everyone heard it, both the young and the old. 

"Everyone, the Kingdom of God is near. Let us change our ways, let us repent! We should not worship other man-made gods nor worship images or statues. "

And he spoke many things, everything that was stated in the Scripture a long time ago. He told them how to change ways and all the right ways coincided from what had been said in the Scripture.

All they heard was a voice of that woman in the middle of the road, walking and telling those things. Only the woman could hear that it wasn't her voice but the voice of a man inside her.  Then the Spirit of that man left after saying those after he had finished what he wanted to tell. 

The woman knew it wasn't her who spoke such things, such words to everyone. On her own, she couldn't even speak fluently in English and not so well-versed in speaking or convincing anyone even appearing confidently in a crowd. She spoke like a child, she could hardly talk confidently to anyone, and she's always stammering in between.  

All she knew that the spirit of the man was like the Jewish man in the Scripture, and it was Jesus. But she couldn't tell anyone who it is. Then she went uphill where her family was situated, they've waited for her after those catastrophes that had happened all over the world. 

She found them in the higher place, it's like a plateau, on top of the mountain they found shelter.  With their neighbors, they huddled together, helped one another so that everyone could survive whatever calamities may come. 

Her arrival to their place, made everyone's gaze to focus on her. They had heard and seen her below as she preached and spoke as a matured being. And they had just known she was the daughter of one of their neighbors. 

She greeted and talked with her parents. They were so poor and she couldn't bear to leave them behind helpless. And in her heart, she'll try to help them as long as she could for them to survive. Afterward, she found a dry area and just sat on the ground. She got tired after all the events that had happened at the same time a little afraid of the possible calamities that may happen in the future.

Then as she looked down unto her bare feet, she saw a strange mark appeared on it. It was the mark of the slipper, both feet have the mark of the slipper but it was so strange. The other foot has a different mark, a different type of slipper inscribed on it, an ordinary slipper with two holes on the front while the other one has single straight strap positioned horizontally unto her right foot.  The strangest one was those marks were both pointing through different directions, as if they were two different slippers facing oppositely - the other one is going westward and the other in eastward. And those were engraved on her feet and nothing could erase it, forever it was her own unique mark wherever she may go.

By Anne, In a Dream.

(posted February 9, 2019, 1135H)

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