Scary Encounter with the Junkie and My Wish

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True story of mine. It was year 2014. 

I visited a friend to their house, nearest to my place where I rented a small room enough for one person only with a small bed.  Let's call my friend "Osang". We are seated near the entrance door of their house, in a long chair. And their relatives from time to time were walking to and fro in between us while we're chatting anything. 

There was no other door and no other place to sit except that narrow area. 'Osang' talked about something that made me laugh. And when I laugh, I usually cover my mouth, my usual involuntary gesture, when suddenly the brother of her husband came, he had a long wavy hair that was tied by something   and he directly walked in between us. It was the only pathway going to their house, where all her in-laws were living together and the only seat available too that time.

He came in a hurry as if he's carrying the wind with him, with the swinging of his shirts. And coincidentally I am covering my mouth and it includes my nose while laughing.

Osang and I continued chatting with each other, when suddenly I heard someone shouting at a few distance away.  I didn't understand at first, and it was the brother-in-law of Osang.  I have no idea what he's uttering and who was his enemy.

I just stared at him with his reddish enlarging eyes, blankly. I have not heard the exact word as he yelled words that seemed jumbling so I am in confuse state. Osang asked what it was, what was his problem about.

Then he pointed out his finger at me yelling loudly, "That girl, make her leave at once or else I could do anything to her.! She is covering her nose while I'm walking passed through her. To her, I seemed smelly? So don't let her come here again to this house!"

I was so confused, I cannot understand what he's talking about. Osang abruptly came to my side and whispered to me, "Better leave now immediately... be hurry.."

So I run fast, I hardly knew what to do but to run away from that house.

I was so terrified along the way, as I remember the reddish eyes with that long haired man.

As I walked fast, I still looked left and right as well kept on looking back to ensure that he's not following to me until I came in my rented room. I felt so nervous that I could hear even the trembling of my bones. 

Many things entered unto my mind on what he will do to me if ever we cross our path again. To me, he seemed like a drug addict person as what I have heard at times from her sister-in-law. He has no permanent or formal work, he's just doing any odd jobs. And at times, he had sold something to me, a small wooden side table. It was their old furniture; he just painted it so it looked new. I just bought it to him in a little amount to help him also knowing that his sister-in-law was my friend too.

The next day, as I went to my work, to the office, I am thinking of other ways on how to elude him. My usual routine day and night was near their place, going to work and back home. I felt so terrified to think that I might bump unto him anytime soon if I'll continue to walk on my usual path.  

So the very afternoon, I went ahead to a different route. Luckily I have found another road going to our rented place. But still, the terrifying memories cannot be erased from my head.  

Months passed, I have no news anymore from them, until the husband of my friend returned home from abroad, he's working in Saudi Arabia and just took a leave from work for a month. 

Osang sent me some messages through her cellular phone and she told me about her husband's arrival. Her husband heard the news about what had happened to me. His father-in-law knew it and told her husband everything. They wanted to keep it from him to avoid any quarrel as what Osang requested to me, however, her father-in-law seemed worried about it. Upon hearing that, he talked to his brother about the case and asked him not to do that to me again because I was the only friend of her wife. He was older to him, and it seemed he had realized also the mistake he had.

I did not know the exact words on how they resolve it within their family. All I did that time was to find ways to evade from them. I felt I was like an escapee at that time, but I didn't understand what my case was about. I only laughed while covering my mouth while Osang and I were chatting something about our personal lives. That was the very terrifying moment I felt since my whole life. It seems I am scared everyday, always looking back, while walking down the road, then every now and then, I am looking from left to right as if someone was hunting me, as if I am being chased by a criminal, a very scary feeling I am keeping to myself only. 

I am always praying and asking God every night and day to make me safe always.  I cannot remember well, that there was a time I wished him to be removed from this planet earth.

Days passed and I had forgiven him, let bygones be bygones, so they say. I had let go the scary feeling and also my friend and his family requested to let it go and just forgive him. 

Until a time came when a new president was elected in the country. It was two years since that happened, year 2016. And main goal of the President was to eliminate all the drug addicts, drug pushers, drug lords, all that was related to drug syndicate. I have not foreseen that this time will come. It seemed wished granted but I have no idea it was that a very big event in the country.

Just sharing my true-to-life story. 

(Posted July 6, 2019)

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