The Inner Guide

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Saturday. July 20, 2019

My son was playing with the other kids  in our neighborhood 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He had found new playmates, since the time we've transferred to this new place, he barely got out to play with the other kids surrounding us. 

I went home just a few distance away from where they're playing to clean our garbage for a week. Then I brought my cellphone with me to take a picture of my son and his playmates as a memento of that day.

I posted it in my social media account publicly, when suddenly I heard a soft voice within me telling me not to do it, to delete that photo and never again post some photo publicly. Our location could be traced by anybody. I was hesitant at first to follow the advice then later on, instead of deleting it, I just changed the setting to private.

We were about to sleep with my son after praying when I heard again those soft voices, telling me that there were demons around.  I just listened to it and drowsed to sleep.

Then, I dreamed with a horror theme but in the end, it went well - we were saved by the our protectors.

And this was the dream:

I was in a room and suddenly a monster or snake-like appeared. I was trying to evade from it until I saw it going to his owner and the owner was like a demon wearing some armor type clothing with golden color. The demon's face cannot be seen, his whole body was covered by that golden armor. He was striking me with his dark magic, commanding his monster disciple to attack me. I tried hard to shield myself from his attack by uttering a prayer, however, my speech was stuttering as though that demon was murmuring a spell to control my words. 

Then I went away to the other place to escape from them. I climbed upward to a stair-like thing hanging upward towards a high place where the end cannot be seen. That hanging stair was like a reddish iron or steel with blemishes all around which appeared to be used already, it's not new anymore. I am already in the midst of it, when I saw my cousin also climbed the other stair, the looked-alike stair I was hanging unto. But she decided to went down to see her family, I could see that she could easily went down, there were missing steps on the stair especially the steps near to the ground. There were 3 or 5 steps missing, but I was amazed, she just jumped down towards the ground easily that's how amazing her strength was. 

When I saw her that she successfully landed without being hurt, I decided to follow also, to go down and to try to jump towards the ground. However, as I looked down below my feet, there were more steps missing compared before. So I was terrified to jump, it seems an impossible thing to jump without getting hurt. The distance from where the last step of the stair was hanging was so high, no ordinary human could jump from it unless you want to die.

Then a miracle happened, the hanging stair I am holding on was moved by an unknown force. The hanging stair was like a crane machine moving from one place to another. Then I was brought safely to different place, far from that area and automatically brought me to the land, I was safely landed successfully without trying to do any dangerous acts.

Upon my landing to the ground, I walked around searching for my son. I called out his name, searching him. But I received nothing, even a word from him. I came to a certain road, then there's also another narrow road on the other side, there I saw him standing. He was looking afar, as if he heard nothing and he also couldn't see me. He was also covered by a dark spell of our enemy, so that he couldn't hear or see me. I ran towards him and grabbed him towards me. 

Though he cannot see or hear me, I tried hard to break the dark spell. I enveloped him with my arms, embracing him and whispered something  to his ears silently. I was glad he had heard me at last. He understood my words and  I continued carrying him in that narrow road. 

Our enemy was about to attack when suddenly a powerful force like a fast wind, carried us as if I am riding on a very fast horse,  as if we're flying away from that place.  I just saw the rustling of the leaves of the grass and trees as we passed by. 

Then we came to a halt. There I saw, a two beings. One is a lady with a white upper garment with her assistant lady also. They were there to rescue us, to help us escape from our enemy. We talked shortly and one of the words she uttered was,

"I am going to fight back against our enemy."

They were the one protecting us all along. They brought us to a safer place where our enemy could not reach us to harm us. They are our inner guide, our guardian angels, but without wings.

They were far from what ordinary people believed, they looked like us but they have more power than us. 

Then I woke up. But before I was about to wake up completely, I heard a very beautiful heavenly like melody as if the the humming of angels or music playing only from heaven.

Today was Sunday, 21st July 2019.

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